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PleasureBonBon Forum -> Fursonas  ~  Pachs Gajah
PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:49 am  Reply with quote
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Name: Pachs Gajah

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Species: Elephant (Half-African, Half-Indian)

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: Inventor; works for Military and Private Investors.

Height: 10'4"

Eye Color: Deep Brown

Skin color: Deep Grey Hide

Appearance: Heavily Built, Vary Strong Looking

Clothing: Deep Grey Tailored Suit
"Example" But with No Top-Hat or Cain and all Deep Grey

Weapon: Carry's no weapon.

Personality: Thoughtful and Imaginative He would rather have a discussion with someone to deal with a problem then to have to resort to violence, But sometimes sadly some people will not listen. When this happens he simply walks away.
But Most importantly He Prides himself on his work, He has spend nearly 30 years researching and experimenting on countless numbers of things ranging from Astronomy, Metallurgy, Engineering, Ect..
But his main focus is Rocketry. He believes that He could send a person to the moon and back, A great deal of people laugh at this idea causing him to have a lack of interest in it. This has caused some people
to think that he is if not crazy then simply vary imaginative. This caused all his research funding to vanish so as a way of making money to fund his research he has taken up Gambling. Because he is a Elephant
He has a "Eidetic Memory", this allows him to count cards without trying to. Causing him to be banned from nearly every casino around.

History: During his Grad work; he was beginning to run low on money for schooling. He heard about a poker tournament that offered 1,000 Flourin's to the winner. He saw this as his one ticket to paying for all of his schooling at once. He signed up; A few weeks later the tournament started. After a few games he realized he had a knack for the game and won round after round with little problem; It was not until the final round that he had real problems. The other player was a real professional, how was just as good as predicting the cards as he was. But sometimes its not skill that wins a game but blind luck. The other man had a Full House Kings and Queens, But he had Four Ace's. After that he began to play more and more and he kept on winning, for a while it was good. But then people began to say he was counting cards and would kick him out, because of this he eventually became banned at nearly all casinos in the area. He had managed to persuade a few of them to allow him to continue playing; These where the few that actually listened to his arguments rather then simply ban him. In these casinos he was counted amount the High Rollers and was given special benefits such as free rooms, food, drink & company. Even with this he still spends most of his time at home working on his experiments. With this and the patents that he hold on some Military equipment he did not need to worry about money much. But one day after seeing a fireworks show in town he came to the idea that it could be possible to use that same technique of launching the fireworks into the air to send a man into space. After telling people about his idea; they ridiculed him for such fantasy's. To prove them wrong he began to build a Rocket that "he hoped" would be able to send a man to the moon and back, this project started to eat into the money that he was had vary quickly, he was nearly going broke. So for the past couple of decades he has not had any real progress in the project and only works on what he has built already trying to refine it even more. It has become a side project to all his other works.

((Just FYI: I don't intend to ever use the rocket its just for Role-Playing with my character))

Last edited by Pachs on Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:10 pm; edited 3 times in total

"Shake the hand that shook the world"
-Randall Flagg-

"Bleach is healthy... It's mostly water; and we're mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach."
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Pachs Gajah
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:13 am  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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Elephant! Wow... there's some variety.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:11 am  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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Samuel would probably want to know why you hate him so much. Do you have any idea how long it takes to make a suit hat size?

In all honesty, though, it is definitely a great and original fursona
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:24 pm  Reply with quote
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((The content of this post has been added to Initial post))

Last edited by Pachs on Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

"Shake the hand that shook the world"
-Randall Flagg-

"Bleach is healthy... It's mostly water; and we're mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach."
-Nathan Explosion‎-
Pachs Gajah
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The Adept
PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:34 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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i dont think bon bon has a school let alone a university nut cool choose man

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:46 pm  Reply with quote
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I did not know that "SHRUG" But I dont see why it would not, its seems like a big enough town for one even a small one.

nut cool choose man

Did you mean "But - or - Not" because that can change the entire meaning of you're statement.[/quote]

"Shake the hand that shook the world"
-Randall Flagg-

"Bleach is healthy... It's mostly water; and we're mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach."
-Nathan Explosion‎-
Pachs Gajah
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:47 pm  Reply with quote
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Plus there has been children in the comics, bound to be at least a little school I think.

It is a nice Fursona! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:51 pm  Reply with quote
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there has been children in the comics, bound to be at least a little school I think.

If there is and not a University then I can just say that I got my degree in another city and moved here to become a teacher. My guy is meant to have a little skill in a lot of fields of study. So teaching children should be a good choice for a job if the first one does not work.

"Shake the hand that shook the world"
-Randall Flagg-

"Bleach is healthy... It's mostly water; and we're mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach."
-Nathan Explosion‎-
Pachs Gajah
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:54 pm  Reply with quote
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the children are betty daillia who is the barmaid at delight castle and opilaia who is dallia's twin she is a chip girl at delight castle and mary

i dont think there is a scholl in bon bon as there the only children in bon bon from when betty remberd her past

but who know's there could be

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:02 pm  Reply with quote
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For a city to be full of people and there not to be any children is a bit of a stretch. Well keep giving me ideas and I'll try to refine my character down more and more.

"Shake the hand that shook the world"
-Randall Flagg-

"Bleach is healthy... It's mostly water; and we're mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach."
-Nathan Explosion‎-
Pachs Gajah
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 5:54 am  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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Pachs wrote:
For a city to be full of people and there not to be any children is a bit of a stretch. Well keep giving me ideas and I'll try to refine my character down more and more.

Bon Bon may have many faces, but also has a diverse array of species. Reproduction in Bon Bon has to be between two closely related species and only when the female is in heat.

Take a dog and an armadillo, nowhere near related so they are therefore not a viable match for kids. However, a tiger and a panther would likely be able to have a child together since both are considered big/jungle cats.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:58 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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Well there is also the fact that Betty was living with her relatives, or rather mistreated by her relatives, before Edelweiss took her in. So I can see children living in BonBon, just not in the area's where the ladies work.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:18 pm  Reply with quote
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Bon Bon may have many faces, but also has a diverse array of species. Reproduction in Bon Bon has to be between two closely related species

That does make sense it similar to the concept "this may been profane, and if so I will edit it or it can simply be removed" but a person having a child with a monkey. They are vary similar but with some Species there can be some lead way "Like you said Tigers and Panthers" So it relay comes down to how in depth you are willing to make the story, Are you going to generalize like "The Wuzzles" where you can get Half-Lions / Half-Bee. Or simply allow such things as Half-Cat / Half-Dog or such things. It really comes down to what type of story you're trying to tell.

"Shake the hand that shook the world"
-Randall Flagg-

"Bleach is healthy... It's mostly water; and we're mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach."
-Nathan Explosion‎-
Pachs Gajah
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:24 pm  Reply with quote
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I just found this comic on Deviant Art it seemed fitting based on what species my character is. Its from a user called
If the user happens to be on this forum and does not want me to post them. I will take them down.

"Shake the hand that shook the world"
-Randall Flagg-

"Bleach is healthy... It's mostly water; and we're mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach."
-Nathan Explosion‎-
Pachs Gajah
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:55 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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That's a very interesting choice of species for a fursona. It's very nice to see someone pick a species that's so uncommon in the community. The larger species like elephants and rhinos don't seem to be that popular, and I always wonder if it's because of their size or appearance, or a combination of such.

I'd be very interested in seeing how Vanessa would draw Pachs, as I really have no idea just how large she'd make him, and how she'd draw his facial features.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:22 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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Wow, an elephant! Glad to see that there's more variety here. Smile

Wonder if we'll ever see a giraffe here. That would be cool.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:43 pm  Reply with quote
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Wonder if we'll ever see a giraffe here. That would be cool.

Now that would be interesting, talk about deep throating yikes.

"Shake the hand that shook the world"
-Randall Flagg-

"Bleach is healthy... It's mostly water; and we're mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach."
-Nathan Explosion‎-
Pachs Gajah
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:17 am  Reply with quote
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Made updates & added "Current Event" section.

"Shake the hand that shook the world"
-Randall Flagg-

"Bleach is healthy... It's mostly water; and we're mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach."
-Nathan Explosion‎-
Pachs Gajah
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:38 am  Reply with quote
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Here are some interesting facts I just found about Elephants

The Elephant Totem

The Elephant Totem indicates strength, luck and wisdom. The Elephant was the Totem animal of the God Shiva, the Destroyer, who seeks to banish illusion and encourage clearer perception. Shiva and his Goddess wife, Radha produced, as one of their offspring, the Elephant headed God Ganesha. Ganesha was Lord of Ilosts and who impregnated the virgin Maya who in turn bought Buddha into flesh. The White elephant is considered sacred in India and too priceless to be used for work or for warfare. Buddhists believe that Buddha shows himself as the form of the White elephant as one of his manifestations. The rare appearance of a White Elephant is still heralded as a manifestation of the Gods. The Chinese see the Elephant as the embodiment of sexual prowess, royalty, strength of purpose and discretion.

Elephants are the largest land animals; they are very intelligent and have excellent memories. They are also one of the longest lived in the animal kingdom. They are very quiet for their large size, have excellent senses of smell, touch, taste and hearing. These are very loyal and affectionate animals and will risk their own lives for their families. They have been witnessed shedding tears for the loss of a family member.

Elephants have very powerful legs and trunks; their trunks are excellent tools for their survival and contain hundreds of muscles within. If an elephant baby cries the herd will group around it touching it with their trunks to sooth and comfort the upset offspring. They are loving parents and do not shun or ignore the elderly of their herds, in fact they go out of their way to protect both the oldest and youngest of their herds, honoring and respecting the wisdom of age and the hope of youth.

To watch an Elephant in the wild is to truly experience its grace and magnetism. Their majestic presence is a wonder to behold. The Elephant possesses many virtues that are powerful and valuable and which any person would be wise to emulate or divine. One who has the power of the Elephant will see enhanced insight and intuition; a better sense of family values allowing one the ability to tap the resources of the strength of a tight knit family unit. Wisdom, longevity, devotion to family, nobility and grace are all part of this amazing animals totems.

The Superlative Elephant Totem possesses the following virtues:
Strength, wisdom, solitude, good fortune, power, sexual prowess, moderation, eternity, responsibility, right emotion, champion of injustice, ancient wisdom, respect for others especially the elderly and children, strengthened memory, long-life, increased sensitivity to others feelings and external stimulation, intelligence, loyalty, affection, passion, family values and happy family.

Elephant Animal Pearls are said to impart their particular magical virtues to their owner. Elephant Pearls are characteristic of its host; they possess all the remarkable characteristics that may be seen in the Elephant itself; the dignity and grace of this animal is contained within the pearl waiting for its proper owner to bestow its inner magic to that unique and fortunate individual.
For century’s shamans, priestesses, spiritualists and practitioners of the occult have used Elephant animal pearls to transfer the powerful magical energy of the Elephant to themselves and to others in need of this commanding animal magic.

Elephant pearls are highly sought after by any wishing to absorb Elephant like virtues into their lives and develop stronger mental abilities such as those embodied by this magnificent creature. The owner of an Elephant pearl will see their lives, spiritual energy and mental clarity imbued with all of the virtues attributed to the “Master” of the earth, the Elephant.

The Elephant animal totem is a strong spirit indeed and its magical properties are one of the most influential of all animal totems. Strength, friendship, virtue, cooperation, and so much more can be integrated into the spirit of the possessor of this magical pearl and the Elephant totem.

"Shake the hand that shook the world"
-Randall Flagg-

"Bleach is healthy... It's mostly water; and we're mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach."
-Nathan Explosion‎-
Pachs Gajah
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