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PleasureBonBon Forum -> Role Play  ~  Of Rail and Sea
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:14 am  Reply with quote
Rank: Mr. Fabulous

Joined: 04 Aug 2009
Posts: 498

Here is my story for my fursona's background.
Chapters 1 through 3
Im starting to write on the next three. I hope everyone likes my writings. This is one of my first major projects. Chapters, 4-6 are underway.

Here it is expanded so everyone may read easily:
Of Rail and Sea

A Short Story of Jasper Caldwell’s Journey

Chapter 1: Time is of the Essence:
As I looked about the manor and through its windows to the town of Cardiff and with the time before and after my schooling at Oxford School of Art I realized something, not much changed. The one key difference was the fact that the manor staff seemed a lot more accustomed to me being alone than before, with my now deceased parents. Lately though I was becoming bored of the same hum-drum of Cardiff and I wanted some excitement in my life, so I decided upon taking a inter-country voyage! So when I had my mind set on a destination I gathered the manor’s staff and began my speech; “Alright everyone the reason I’ve requested you all in front of me this afternoon is because, I have decided for a grand voyage!” A few of the maids let out gasps so then began again after they had calmed down. “Now now not to fret about me, I have decided on going to Rome.” “Why Rome Master Caldwell?” “Because!! It’s a new country in the eyes of us civilized folks and I would love to take in its fresh culture, as well as its immense artistic community!” “Then tell us what will be your transport?” “Ship yes I’m afraid as well, and rail” I said as my furry body felt so energetic. I was beaming with glee and happiness. “Also the main reason why I called you all together was so that I can give you a break, while in my absence. I’ll be gone for at least ten days or more.”
As I walked back up to my room in the manor, I said to myself while smiling; “It has begun.”

Chapter 2: The Clandestine Past
While I was up in my room packing the next afternoon I heard a knock at my door. “Come in.” To my surprise it was my closest friend and my family’s personal assistant Andrew Lancer, a quaint but young fox. “Oh hello Andrew another query about my venture..?” “No sir not this time, it is I who will be telling you a true but amazing tale. It’s all about your mother’s ancestry, and what she has passed to now you.” Lancer said as he handed me a long cylinder made out of polished cedar. It’s lid with my mother initial’s engraved in gold leaf: E. O. N. “Eon..?” “Elizebeth Orch Northabbey the 3rd.” Said Andrew in a proud tone almost pleased with himself. He also had given me a letter which was dark but almost royal red material. He then announced in a calm but policing tone “Don’t just open yet. These instructions were from your mother herself. Do not open it till it is exactly 3 months after your 22nd birthday, which it sound like it will be the 13th of May.” “Wait just a minute. That’s the day that my ticket is for when my ship leaves for Europe.” “If it is a coincidence or not, it is perfect for you to open it when you are in your cabin, which i presume is quite private..?” “It is I asked for First Class, in which I’ll receive a private cabin. So yes it will be as you put it, perfect.” After it seemed a half hour of our conversation, he finished with the statement. “Id be happy to take you personally to port and see you off. Also your ship is the Oceanic is it not?” “It is actually, and to this date it is largest of the entire fleet.” “Also Master Caldwell, I’m sure your father would love that you’d want to be in his car again. Poor girl hasn’t been out since their disappearance. Though I do see he’s given you both the skills to drive it, and his autoing gear. Splendid!” “Course it is!! I now proudly wear both his hat and gloves.” “Jasper... He did love you very much, if only you knew how much he spoke of you when you were away. Alright then! We’ll leave first thing tomorrow morning. I’m off to help make supper.” After supper I walked back up to my room, and I pulled out my father’s journal and began to read again of his strange but wondrous tales in the Americas. Then once the sky darkened, I climbed into bed and pulled up my sheets and saw the young and attractive hound of a maid tuck me in like my mother did. So strange but eccentric she was. “Goodnight m’lord, may your dreams never dull.” And it wasn’t a dull one at that, I was floating naked in front of a gigantic white feline. She looked so much like my mother did. She spoke in a language to me that I didn’t understand at all. She was pure almost silvery white. As soon as I tried to focus on what she was saying my eyes opened to a sunny day.

Chapter 3: The Oceanic Journey
As I dressed myself Andrew came into my room and asked “Would you like any help sir..?” “I’m just fine, everything is together, oh and if my destination is to change I will mail you a letter back as soon as I know.” “Know need, as you already have known, we foxes have a keen sense of direction and finding you is no problem, there might be a package mailed to you as soon as it feels like you are situated.” As we walked out of the manor to the front yard I saw the glimmer of the automobile. She was a brilliance of engineering. During the journey I sparked a conversation with my dear foxian friend: “As you know Lancer, my trip will take all day to cross the channel to come of port so i presume thats why we are leaving so early.” “But of course, also I see you did take accustomed to that strap on the cylinder, you look good with it. It was your mothers as well. “ “Fancy that. Did my father Jonathan know anything about this past of my mother’s..?” “Yes he did. He was the one of the two who asked his mother, your grandmother permission to marry in the first place.”. As our conversation continued, we came upon the port of Cardiff, and there she was the Oceanic. Standing tall, hundreds of people were already boarding and in fact I noticed one peculiar fellow, an almost asian looking snake, with few scars, and a very long sword. As we approached my entry, where actually the snake also walked in I got my things. “Thank you Andrew for all of your help.” I hugged the statuesque fox and saluted him as I walked through the doorway of the ship.

I'm not dead, just.... Hibernating. ON the MOON. :3 Luna's bum.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:37 am  Reply with quote
Rank: Mr. Fabulous

Joined: 04 Aug 2009
Posts: 498

I know this is a double post, but if anyone would mind giving me some feedback, I'd love to hear it. Im just starting to dive into this subject matter. Also I'm beginning to sketch out my fursona, should I post it here on PBB discussion's or should it be on general discussions..?


I'm not dead, just.... Hibernating. ON the MOON. :3 Luna's bum.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:32 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Jan 2008
Posts: 4122

Please do it my love and some advice for our first meeting.

1 I'm angry all the time before I met you.

2 I'm armed and the smell of blood is around me

3 My eyes are red and the iris is blue steel

4 make it a meeting that chance my view about the world.


My favorite RP please join and dominate me :

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:10 pm  Reply with quote
Rank: Mr. Fabulous

Joined: 04 Aug 2009
Posts: 498

So during our first meeting, its like you are just passing..? Then if we are having a conversation, is about your opinion of what the world has become..?

I'll have to edit 4 a tad bit for the details you gave me. But thanks henky £:

I'm not dead, just.... Hibernating. ON the MOON. :3 Luna's bum.
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