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PleasureBonBon Forum -> Role Play  ~  Secrets in a Small Town: Chapter 2
PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:56 am  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 31 Dec 2007
Posts: 3215

Autors Note: I have to figure out a title for my story here. All well maybe later. Anyway here's the next installment. Again I don't know how this ones going to be. I get the idea and quickly type them up before I lose them. Let me know what you think.

Chapter 2

It has been over three months since Thomas Aaron’s first job and word had gotten around about his business. Thomas was just coming back from his latest employment and was down right tired. For two weeks he had to watch over a recently married cat and mouse couple as they were on their honeymoon. Not only was there parties abroad that didn’t like them to be married, mainly their parents, but he had to keep the new husband and wife from indulging in the finer things in bonbon. Mainly try to make sure every time the visit the Delight Castle to gamble that they don’t wander off with someone else. Needless to say trying to watch two hyper active newly weds plus keep the bounty hunters that where constantly looking from them had worn him out. They had just left when an uncle of the cats invited him and his bride to stay with him till their first child was born. Even though he was paid well, around $5000, it had been a long and busy three months. It was one job after another and no breaks in between.

As he walked into his office he opened up his safe, put the money away and made a not to cash half of it in the bank. He then sat down behind his desk and heavily sighed.

“Holy mother of God I’m beat. I never would have guess that I would be this busy. *Groan* I just hope I can at least take this day off.”

No luck as the door opened. An otter male, around 43, walked in. He had the look of one of the aristocratic types that lived in Bonbon.

Standing up Thomas welcomed his guest. “Welcome sir to Thomas Aarons Personal Protection. How may I help you?”

“Ah so you are the one that gave my Hench men problems three months ago. I must say I was very impressed on how you cut Jonas’s arm off.”

“Hmm I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage here mister?”

“Clemons, Fernando Clemons and I’m here to hire you for a job.”

“Well Mr. Clemons I’m surprised you want my business. After all I did stop your goons from getting the ring back.”

“My dear boy you were only doing your job. I hold no grudges.”

“Hm ok that’s fair enough. So what can I help you with?”

“I need you to protect something very special to me. My Son, Francis, is leaving shortly and I need him to reach the train station alive. There are a few politically motivated groups out there that would love to see me quite put out. I don’t need my boy in the middle of this. Nor am I going to give this town any trouble. I might be cold at times and quite rough around the edges but I’m not heartless. I’ll pay you 2000 florin for your services. So do we have a deal?”

Thomas reached out his hand and Mr. Clemons took it.

“Mr. Clemons you have a deal. I’ll make sure your son gets to the train station alive and well. You can count on it.”

Smiling Mr. Clemons released Thomas’s hand and reaching in his pocket pulled out a check. “Here is the check for your services. Its all there. Please be careful now and get my son to safety. He’s out side waiting.”

Thomas grabbed his weapons and quickly followed Mr. Clemons out the door. After locking up he turned around to see Clemons walk off and what looked like a smaller younger version of him standing near by. Thomas approached and with a nod greeted the boy.

“Well lets get going. You stay close to me at all times. No wandering off. If I tell you to hide you hide. If I tell you to run you run. Heck if I tell you to do anything you listen. Understand?”

The boy nodded and with that they were off. Halfway to the train station they were soon jumped by two masked individuals. Thomas didn’t have time to pull out his Colts so he drew his Short sward and charged right in. Not long after that the two assailants where down, one without a hand the other missing half his foot and both hurting all over from the punches and kicks that Thomas laid into them. Thomas and Francis quickly moved on. It wasn’t long though before another attacker came. Throughout the trip Thomas was constantly fighting. In one fight the constable himself with two other officers came to the rescue. After learning what was going on they joined Thomas in getting the boy to safety. This didn’t stop the attacks. After hours of travel, which should have taken at the most 30 minutes, they reached the train station. Francis thanked Thomas and the officers and got onto the train. Thomas stayed long enough till the train left.

Afterward he thanked the constable and his men for the help. They where then off to go and arrest all the attackers. They of course didn’t get very far as most where either beaten badly or were losing a limb or two. Thomas went and cashed the check giving half to the constable and the officers that helped him. At one point the constable offered Thomas a position in the Bonbon police. Thomas politely refused and left for home. It was late when he arrived and after locking the door he took his gear off and went up stairs. He removed his boots and plopped on his bed.

*Groan* “I need to hire some help. *Garr* I can’t keep working like this or I’m going to burn out before I reach the age of 30.”

The next day Thomas placed an add in the paper and a sign outside stating: ‘Help wanted! Need individuals who know there way around a fight, don’t mind working long hours and fluctuating pay. Need to be tolerant of all who employ them. Most important of all. Once hired, the job comes first before anything else. Protect the life and/or property of those that employ you. If interested come to Thomas Aarons Personal Protection.’

“I hope I get some help soon.” The door opened a lovely female husky walked in. Whispering under his breath, ‘cause I don’t know how much longer I can take doing this alone.’ Composing himself he stood up and welcomed Mrs. Tanya Novel and got down to business

Note: Ok here's the plan for the next one. As you can see doing the one man show is not going well for Thomas. He needs help. I was thinking of adding a couple of you into my stories. I won't though unless I have your permission, not going to just grab anyone and add them without there say so if you know what I mean. Let me know if that sounds ok to you.

Last edited by Aaron_Thom on Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:12 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:34 am  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 12 Feb 2007
Posts: 612

I'm the same way, if I don't write them down as I get them, the ideas just fade away.

I liked this chapter as well. Smile
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