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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:02 pm  Reply with quote
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Hello everyone,

I was wanting to know what you all thought of the recent verdict for the Michael Jackson child molestation trial? I know some of you are probably over it....but I have been following this case and I find it very upseting that he wasn't found guilty in any of the 10 counts against him.

What do you really think of him? Just wonderin'

When it comes to looks....remember....he's made looks be a HUGE part of who he is to comment on that is okay....(at least to me it is).


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:09 pm  Reply with quote
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AlleyBaggett wrote:
Hello everyone,

I was wanting to know what you all thought of the recent verdict for the Michael Jackson child molestation case? I know some of you are probably over it....but I have been following this case and I find it very upseting that he wasn't found guilty in any of the 10 counts against him.

What do you really think of him? Just wonderin'

When it comes to looks....remember....he's made looks be a HUGE part of who he is to comment on that is okay....(at least to me it is).
I was pretty surprised that he wasn't even guilty of giving a minor alcohol. Anybody else with these charges against them would have been in jail on all charges in 2 days.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:21 pm  Reply with quote
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I think it can be summed up by the title of his song Bad.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:55 pm  Reply with quote
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Well, I guess you guyz have a right to dis my boy, Michael. After all, this is America. I suppose I'm in the minority also in believing Bush had a legitimate reason for invading Iraq. I forget. Who exactly blew up the twin towers?

It's ok Michael, I got your back.

In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:46 am  Reply with quote
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From what I heard of the case, there was no evidence as such, just total hearsay, conjecture and character defamation - maybe I'm wrong - was there actual evidence? I guess in this kind of case there's not really gonna be evidence.

What annoys me about the case is all the people who after the verdict come out and say "I knew he was innocent all along" - but if he'd lost they would've said "I knew he was guilty all along". Loads of TV stations and everything jumping on the bandwagon. It's like people in sport who secretly support a team until then they win a big game and all the t-shirts and scarves etc. come out.

This might be a bit contraversial, but just remember I don't mean any harm by it - it's just a conversation - not an attack! But when OJ was proved innocent, they did some poll where it turned out that the majority of people that thought he was innocent were black, and the majority of people that thought he was actually guilty were white. I saw a news shot of a grocery store after the MJ verdict, all the white people looked shocked and the black people were applauding. In fairness though, isn't it a bit more confusing with MJ?

John Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:37 am  Reply with quote
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I always thought Michael Jackson was one those child star victims, deprived of a natural adolescent development because of his fame and career as a child. I always thought he hung around with kids to try and capture that lost part of his life, and he had the money to do whatever he wanted(eccentric). I think in ways the poor bloke never grew up, like when he hung that baby over the balcony rail,I thought to myself this bloke's a flip, he's got no idea.
I question his support base, especially his parents and his family. I get the impression that MJ is surrounded by vultures that feed off the money he makes and havent helped him where he needs it. Why hasnt someone who knows him ever pulled him up about his abnormal behavior and made him get some professional help? Or at the very least point out to him that his bizarre behavior can be misconstrued and leave him vulnerable? I think the structure of his life stinks in a lot of ways.
Do I think he's capable of victimising children? Yes I do, he's a freak but I dont believe he's totally responsible for who he is. Is he capable of sexual abusing children? I think so , he's a grown man with a dick. There is no fucking way in the world I would ever leave my kids with him, he's just too unnatural and too weird .
To sum up Michael Jackson I believe it's one thing to accumulate wealth,fame and power, but it's what you do with it that defines who you are.
He's made a real mess of it.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:10 am  Reply with quote
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mt wrote:
Well, I guess you guyz have a right to dis my boy, Michael. After all, this is America. I suppose I'm in the minority also in believing Bush had a legitimate reason for invading Iraq. I forget. Who exactly blew up the twin towers?

It's ok Michael, I got your back.

Mt:I went to Iraq mt, i was a soldier for 4 1/2 years. i agree that bush did the wrong thing, but when ur a soldier, u have no choice. Sometime soon i will bring up Topic on the War i experienced in Iraq.

Alley: I think Michael is just plan old freaky. I mean the guy might be a nice dude in person, but ....MAN! that nose is so screwed up now. did u see his last trail on the news? they showed him take a doctors mask off his face and his nose was all scwashed and rinkly, like they took some plastic off of that nose from all those damn surgeries. Laughing Laughing

hawaiian surfer dude
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Down South
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:35 am  Reply with quote
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First, MJ's paid in a broke kind of way. He can hire a high priced lawyer, but yet he's basically bankrupt. Anyone who can hire a big timer increases their odds of innocence. Second, he's a celeb and that's another innocence odds booster. Plus, the DA has to prove the states case, and from what I've heard MJ's lawyer was damn good. Anyway, the DA failed in his job...simple as that.

MJ has already said that he doesn't think its wrong that he sleeps with young boys...just so long as he doesn't "sleep" with them. To me, if I were a parent I wouldn't let my child within a mile of that man. What kind of parent lets their child spend the night at MJ's house?

I just don't care about MJ...if it were someone I cared about I'd have more interest.

Last edited by Down South on Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:04 am; edited 1 time in total

Down South ~ "The AB Nation will be there when you do."
Alley ~ "The AB Nation.....that's a cute little saying."
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:55 am  Reply with quote
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I'm not suprised about rthe virdict,Alley. As far as guilt or innocence....who knows. If you followed the trial you would know that the kid's family is a group of known Scam artists. Mommy tried to skam JC Penney's, Dad tried a accuse George Lopaz of stealing his wallet after a visit to his house,and the kids couldn't get their stories straight. Really, if it had been anyone but MICHAEL
Jackson it wouldn't have gotten to trial, but the D.A. was out to get MJ cause he blew it 10 years ago. So he took this weak-ass case to trial.
Don't get it twisted Mike might be guilty as HELL !! We may never know. But there was too much REASONABLE DOUBT to convict... THIS TIME.
Plus, what mother would leave their kid with Michael Jackson knowing what a freak he is anyway? Shocked

Peace & Love,

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:37 am  Reply with quote
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Haven't read all the above posts, but there is a saying: "where there's smoke, there's fire". I think he has done something with little kids. But we live in a "law-society", so it must be proven. From what I understand, about 10 years ago he settled a case like this with millions of $$. Again, where there's smoke, there's fire.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:59 am  Reply with quote
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dally wrote:
I question his support base, especially his parents and his family. I get the impression that MJ is surrounded by vultures that feed off the money he makes and havent helped him where he needs it. Why hasnt someone who knows him ever pulled him up about his abnormal behavior and made him get some professional help? Or at the very least point out to him that his bizarre behavior can be misconstrued and leave him vulnerable? I think the structure of his life stinks in a lot of ways.

Yeah I totally agree. But I do think that he must have some part in it aswell, he probably has some degree of control over his family too as they are living off his wealth, like if they DID say anything to him, he might just get insulted and threaten to cut them off... So they just act in whatever way it takes to please him.

A bit like that emporer's clothes fable - hey what a great idea for a new Alley photoshoot! Very HappyVery Happy

I think if you have a load of money and you're a little bit crazy it's a really really bad thing 'cos no one will check you.

John Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 2:44 am  Reply with quote
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I won't comment on his character. As for the verdict......if he's so innocent and did nothing wrong, why did he pay the "hush money" back in 1993 ? Why not defend yourself in court back then if he thought he did nothing wrong ?

Food for thought......
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 11:07 am  Reply with quote
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This thing Michael Jackson is some kind of freak. He is fucked up in the head and it is a shame that he is not getting punished for his actions. Too bad the trial was not here in the south, we don't put up with that shit.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 1:29 pm  Reply with quote
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Personally, I'm glad that Michael was found not guilty. I thought it was a set-up the whole time by the parents who basically pimped their kids out to MJ, just like they pimped them out to get all of the free stuff and celebrities they could get their hands on. Like everybody has said, what reasonable person would allow their child to spend the night with an adult, ESPECIALLY Michael Jackson!!! It was clear that the mother wasn't wrapped too tight. Like David Letterman said, you must be pretty crazy if you're in the same room with Michael Jackson but all everybody could talk about was how weird YOU were!!! blink

That said, I do think that Michael should NEVER have another child near his bedroom again. He's too childlike. From the testimony in the trial, he seemed like he was hanging out with those boys. What could an almost 50 year old man have in common with young boys? Michael's the kind of guy in high school that was able to get anything he wanted (alcohol, porno mags) and wanted to show off and share with his friends. Big mistake.

What Michael really needs is a nanny...for himself. Someone to watch him and scolds him whenever he does something stupid (i.e. spending more money than he has, hanging out with children). He also needs to make sure that his children grow up the normal childhood he never more damn masks for them except for Halloween! angry Also, no more weird costumes and NO MORE SURGERIES!!! His poor nose can't take another trip under the knife! Finally, he needs to lie low and in two or three years, come out with another album and get Missy Elliott to produce it. He'll be back on top in no least for a little while. Tongue
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 2:27 pm  Reply with quote
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It was not possible to follow the trial here in Europe! I don't know all the components of the case but Justice has decided by several people in a jury with so differents characters, social origins, personnal perception,...! The system is that the doubt is in favour with the defense. I agree with this rule! This can be perceived severe but it's the only way not to send innocent in jail! Confused

I precise that I'm not a MJ fan! Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 9:41 pm  Reply with quote
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It's a good thing MJ was white. Otherwise, he would be on the express train to Soledad prison.

But seriously, just because MJ paid someone money doesn't mean he did it. What kind of values do these families have that took the money instead of going to court. What do they tell their molested kid. It's okay, we have millions now so let's forget about your molestation. Hmmm, maybe they were after money, after all.

Just because someone's a weirdo doesn't mean they're guilty.

In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 5:41 pm  Reply with quote
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All of you have REALLY good points!

I do have to say though....that maybe the family in the past...was VERY poor?...and hey a few million is usually enough for anyone to just walk away from something and try to get help and move on with their lives. You probably would do the same thing if you were in their shoes...? I also know that a previous cook who was not part of any lawsuit held against MJ in the past personally saw sexual missbehavior going between MJ and the boy. There were too many different people who were saying that they had seen the same things go on. I also believe that it was VERY possible and sounds like it very well could have happened.....that MJ's associates threatened and held this family against their will to try to save MJ's image. MJ's associates DO NOT want to loose thier jobs with MJ....and be out the thousnads of dollars that they are being paid. I also do believe that the boy's family are con artists....and have extorted money in the past from various resources BUT at the same time....I ALSO do believe that this molestation did happen as well as being held against their will....and for this...I do believe they should have been compensated something......maybe not everything that they wanted....but something.
I don't know.....but when you are talking about CHILDREN being molested....because it more than likely happened in the past & it CAN happen again in the future....I think the case should have been looked at and taken more seriously. After everything was done...some of the jurors spoke on TV about their decision and said that the reason for their ruling was because they did not like the mother. The mother was snapping at the jurors, looking at them in weird ways and talking directly to them. I'm sorry but the case was not if you like the mother or wasn't about ....if the mother got on your last freakin nerve or not. The case was about the mother's son. period.
Mj has so much money and power....and that will make people do some crazy stuff.
Oh well, we'll have to wait and see what boy cries next.

I really DO HATE our judicial system. It's all about politics and money.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 5:42 pm  Reply with quote
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oh...sorry for going off.. Very Happy


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 5:51 pm  Reply with quote
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AlleyBaggett wrote:
oh...sorry for going off.. Very Happy

Its o.k, how do u know this stuff? u smart cookie u. Laughing

thats one reason why i love u Alley, u sexy cheetah Wink Cool Very Happy

hawaiian surfer dude
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 9:48 pm  Reply with quote
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AlleyBaggett wrote:
oh...sorry for going off.. Very Happy

Don't be silly, silly. It's your forum, Alley. You can go off all you want. Now, if you want to get off, just holla back at me!!! Wink Twisted Evil
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 9:49 pm  Reply with quote
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Well Alley,

The whole point of this MJ topic was to vent off steam of what happened.

The problem with this case is that aside from the kid, everyone seemed to have questionable motives. I agree with you that the state of our current justice system sucks, but I still believe the burden of proof must still be with the state. God help us if we decide to put the burden on the accused.

In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:01 am  Reply with quote
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AlleyBaggett wrote:
After everything was done...some of the jurors spoke on TV about their decision and said that the reason for their ruling was because they did not like the mother. The mother was snapping at the jurors, looking at them in weird ways and talking directly to them. I'm sorry but the case was not if you like the mother or wasn't about ....if the mother got on your last freakin nerve or not. The case was about the mother's son. period.
Mj has so much money and power....and that will make people do some crazy stuff.
Oh well, we'll have to wait and see what boy cries next.

I really DO HATE our judicial system. It's all about politics and money.

That's the way it always is - I remember seeing some real-life prosecutor show about a case where a girl got murdered. They found an old boyfriend of hers from 4 or 5 years before that none of her friends liked because he was a little weird: he looked a little weird and wasn't very social. Without ANY evidence whatsoever, they managed to convict him just 'cos he seemed weird - TOTALLY unfair!!!

John Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:18 pm  Reply with quote
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Hey Alley's

The verdict was basic bullshit from the California courts. No offense to you Alley. Michael Jackson is a weirdo. He couldn't even sell 100,000 copies of his last album in the US. He's only popular in Europe,.."Where they're more approving of odd behavior" and in Asia. The guy likes to bang little boys. That's sick. If it where my kid that he done that too he would be dead or handicapped for the rest of his life. No amount of money or security would prevent me from getting my hands on him. He'll never go to prison.

The simple fact is a high profile popular African American celeb will never get convicted of a capital crime in California or for that matter in the US. Kobe Bryant was guiltier than hell of [word censored]. They tried to make her out to be somekinda of slut. The guy forced her accross the back of a chair and [word censored] her. They found the bastard with bloody clothes. Plus he started talking shit about Shaq during his questioning.

Let's not also forget OJ. Simple fact is Califorina doesn't want anymore riots in LA. Hell yes,..lets convict Scott Peterson. Let's retry a 80 year old man in the state of Mississippi for Murders that took place back in 1964. Yes,..because he's white and it's know popular to prosecute suspects for 30-40 year old hate crimes because they think they can now get a conviction. It's bullshit. I'm not rascist but I think it is rascist not to convict a minority person for a crime but to drudge up a issue that happened 40 years ago. The old dude got a hung juror. He beat the system. Just like those other 3 aholes,...Micheal, OJ and Kobe. Plus 7 other KKK morans spent time in prison for the Murders.

That's my two cents

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Down South
PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:28 pm  Reply with quote
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MJ says, "He-He."

Down South ~ "The AB Nation will be there when you do."
Alley ~ "The AB Nation.....that's a cute little saying."
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:56 pm  Reply with quote
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mbeal78 wrote:
Hey Alley's

The verdict was basic bullshit from the California courts. No offense to you Alley. Michael Jackson is a weirdo. He couldn't even sell 100,000 copies of his last album in the US. He's only popular in Europe,.."Where they're more approving of odd behavior" and in Asia. The guy likes to bang little boys. That's sick. If it where my kid that he done that too he would be dead or handicapped for the rest of his life. No amount of money or security would prevent me from getting my hands on him. He'll never go to prison.

The simple fact is a high profile popular African American celeb will never get convicted of a capital crime in California or for that matter in the US. Kobe Bryant was guiltier than hell of [word censored]. They tried to make her out to be somekinda of slut. The guy forced her accross the back of a chair and [word censored] her. They found the bastard with bloody clothes. Plus he started talking shit about Shaq during his questioning.

Let's not also forget OJ. Simple fact is Califorina doesn't want anymore riots in LA. Hell yes,..lets convict Scott Peterson. Let's retry a 80 year old man in the state of Mississippi for Murders that took place back in 1964. Yes,..because he's white and it's know popular to prosecute suspects for 30-40 year old hate crimes because they think they can now get a conviction. It's bullshit. I'm not rascist but I think it is rascist not to convict a minority person for a crime but to drudge up a issue that happened 40 years ago. The old dude got a hung juror. He beat the system. Just like those other 3 aholes,...Micheal, OJ and Kobe. Plus 7 other KKK morans spent time in prison for the Murders.

That's my two cents


1.) I don't think anyone's crying about poor Scott Peterson.

2.) I don't think anyone crying about the 80-year old Mississippi guy either. Last I checked, murder is still MURDER no matter how long ago it was. If he did it, he should forfeit the remaining years he has in prison seeing how he's been free the past 40+ years.

3.) I think it more along the lines of high profile celebrities getting away with things, not black celebrities in general. I recall Robert Blake being found not guilty of murdering his wife not too long ago. The girl in the Kobe case wasn't going to help the prosecution prove their case so they dismissed the case. She later got some money out of him.

4.) I think if you do a crime then you should be punished, no matter who you are. Sadly, I think that it depends on how famous you are and how much money you have that will cause people to have "reasonable doubts" about the charges against you, despite how much evidence there is against you.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:11 pm  Reply with quote
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If it swims, waddles, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
The only person I know who didn't have a prejudice against anybody was Jesus, and we persecuted him for it. We all have our prejudices.

In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:57 am  Reply with quote
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Is MJ bankrupt now? If he gets accused again will he be able to pay for a fancy lawyer?

John Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:53 am  Reply with quote
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Apparently Juror #1 made a statement recently that he thought MJ has molested one or more children in the past, just not this particular accuser. MJ was found not guilty because the uncredibility of the accuser and his parents created a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. They had to acquit, there's nothing else they could have done. Had they convicted him just because of his weird looks and behavior or what he has done or might have done in the past, then they would have been in the wrong and justice would not have been served. To protect the innocent, guilt has to be proved beyond a shodow of a doubt in our judicial system. It's better to let a guilty person go free than to send an innocent person to jail or even death! The DA just couldn't eliminate the reasonable doubt, MJ's a free man, and that's just the way it goes. I do hope that MJ, innocent or guilty, has learned something from all this, and follows his own advice from his song "Man in the Mirror" by "changing his ways" and staying the hell away from kids!
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:07 pm  Reply with quote
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Supermark wrote:
Apparently Juror #1 made a statement recently that he thought MJ has molested one or more children in the past, just not this particular accuser. MJ was found not guilty because the uncredibility of the accuser and his parents created a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. They had to acquit, there's nothing else they could have done. Had they convicted him just because of his weird looks and behavior or what he has done or might have done in the past, then they would have been in the wrong and justice would not have been served. To protect the innocent, guilt has to be proved beyond a shodow of a doubt in our judicial system. It's better to let a guilty person go free than to send an innocent person to jail or even death! The DA just couldn't eliminate the reasonable doubt, MJ's a free man, and that's just the way it goes. I do hope that MJ, innocent or guilty, has learned something from all this, and follows his own advice from his song "Man in the Mirror" by "changing his ways" and staying the hell away from kids!

Here, here.

In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:04 am  Reply with quote
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Well,..well look who got convisted of Manslaughter yesterday. And that NAMBLA member Michael Jackson is stil free to sodomize kids. The dude is a sick freak and needs to be locked away. And "his" kids that he bought from that scank woman needs to be taken away. If is was a non-famous poor person DCFS wouldn't hesitate to jerk them kids away from him. By the way those aren't his biological childern. Look at them,..not a ounce of African American too them. That's why he hides there faces,..they're white. I don't understand why he doesn't want to be black. Only when it benifits his circumstances does this genetic freak want to be a minority.

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