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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 11:34 am  Reply with quote
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Joined: 09 Jan 2004
Posts: 321

For some reason, the title sounds like an anime film. ^v^

Anyway, cool cover! This is apparently Issue #1 of a storyline in the JB universe, for those of you schlubs who still haven't signed up. Looks just like a real comic book, but without the staples, ugly creases, worn edges, and stupid promotional stickers. It's clean, man.

Speaking of man, I sure hope that's a man with the flaming green hair there. Whew. That dude is U G L Y. It literally hurts to look at him.

Speaking of looking, we have three characters on the cover as well, thank goodness. Suzy's still not my cup of tea - the chest, and that wide face with the prominent brow. But, different flavors of ice cream and all that. (Even if I don't like the look, I thought her story and pictorial theme was really nifty.) Great pose and expression for her here.

Dixie's suit still bothers me. Two reasons. The design's too busy; it breaks up the lines on her otherwise great figure. Second, it and the gloves are too shiny. They resemble melted wax. Is this deliberate? The suit might look better with that shine if it were simpler. Maybe velvet or suede for the gloves. My humble suggestions.

And then there's Nordic Fox. Ahh. Perfect. Love the hair, love the skin tone, love the outfit, love the pose. What a cutie!

Can't wait to see what this story's about...

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 12:13 pm  Reply with quote
Head Pixelgrinder

Joined: 09 Jan 2004
Posts: 425

Thanks for the post!

We're going for a real authentic comic book look with this offering. We don't want it to look like just 3D artwork stuck into boxes and called a comic - the end result hopefully will evoke the mood and feel of the medium, which is what a lot of the members here are familiar with.

The clown is definately a dude - a dark, demented, twisted dude who will bring out the worst in folks. Smile

Got another outfit in mind for Dixie that you guys might like better. She'll still have her cowgirl twang, but maybe a better looking suit.

Stay Tuned!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 9:42 am  Reply with quote
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Posts: 9

So this is going to be in the first issue eh. where are you going to put Trophy Hunt & the first book then, as a Special Edition perhaps. Going to make a cover for those two as well?

The villain(?) on the cover is UGLY and he looks like he's thin as a weed. He one of those 'smart' villains?

Are you only going to use 3 babes or what? Please make room for moe babes, one's that haven't been in a comic before.

Looks like a very promising start for the new comic though. Keep Up The Good Work.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 5:25 pm  Reply with quote
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Posts: 321

Page 1 - Those are some comical thighs on the Captain. Thank goodness for boots! I know this is make-believe and all, but some of the other pictures featuring heroes with just spandex footsies was just weird. 3D comic spandex, in general, still looks a little weird to me, because of the hot-wax effect. A duller shine, more like Suzy's looks more pleasing to me.

Nice pose for Capt. Massive. Suzy's looking great, too. (Breasts still look too big to me, but I know, that ship has sailed, so this should be the last time I whine.) The kinetics look kinda off here, though. Massive's feet are planted, meaning he's not running, but Suzy definitely looks like she's been running, meaning she'd have to have just moved through him to get where she is. And her arms are stretched out; strange way to run.

Where'd the third light shadow for Suzy's foot go?

"If you can read this..." heh. I wonder what the chapter title means. Boy do I want a closeup of that gal in the credits...

Page 2. Massive looks great in closeup!

But we gotta work on Suzy's eyes. She looks like she just hypnotized herself. No apparent focus; they just stare straight ahead. (They kinda do in Page 1, too.) The pose is also a bit of a problem. Her head's tilted so far back that her neck looks broken. I've seen this effect in other 3D images all over the place. It seems like whoever tilted the head chose to also curve the neck. I believe, rather, that the head's supposed to pitch in place. The area under the chin should stretch; the spot where neck meets back of head should compress. That's based on my highly scientific observation of my own head when I do this.

Meanwhile, Suzy needs a more alluring expression than she does here. More of a grin, maybe, a turn of the head, slightly lowered eyelids. (Yes, I am anal much, thank you.)

What's that symbol on his chest? Gaydar?

All his poses look great. However, at the bottom, Suzy has that stare again... now she looks like she's checking the teleprompter for her lines... good use of the arms... I'm noticing a few more things. Her head looks just a touch too big for her neck. That facial type goes more with a slightly thicker build, but the neck is currently this graceful thing.

Massive sure seems tall. Unless Suzy's not standing straight in the bottom frame, he's gotta be at least 6'6"...
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 6:28 pm  Reply with quote
Head Pixelgrinder

Joined: 09 Jan 2004
Posts: 425

Captain Massive is way bigger than Suzy - probably closer to 7 feet. He's, well - massive.

The 3D models have some limitations that don't allow them to bend and flex the way real poeple do. They've come a long way since the Poser dork, though, and I'm going to be working in some new figures in the next story that are getting better. It's just one of those things that will progress and become more life-like over the next few years. Suzy is just a different female model than most of the others that I use as a base in an attempt to get a more unique look.

Thanks for the comments!


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 5:07 am  Reply with quote
Head Pixelgrinder

Joined: 09 Jan 2004
Posts: 425

Oh yeah, there will definately be more than three babes in the story. That's all I could comfortably fit on the first cover.

Trophy Hunt was sort of a super-sized special issue, and Sidekick Hotline is more like a mini-series, broken up into a few issues.


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