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PleasureBonBon Forum -> Fursonas  ~  Mr Writer's Fursonas (Compiled)
Mr Writer
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:08 pm  Reply with quote
Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 26 Nov 2009
Posts: 174

EDIT: Updated to reflect my absence from the site and add a new fursan.

If you have any comments please share.

Alexi Ivan Mosanawicz (pronounced- Moe-san-ah-vit-sh)

Race: Grizzly Bear

Age: 44

Gender: male

Language: Good English (slightly broken) with Slavic Accent

Orientation: Straight/Curious

Occupation: Gelato/Candy Maker

Physical Description: He is rather tall, standing a little over six feet eleven inches, two hundred and forty pounds. Alexi is muscular from working with the Soviet military, and has a slightly intimidating pose but usually always wears the warm smile of a gentle giant. His fur is brown with salt and pepper greying in his fur, showing his age, with two bright green eyes gazing behind a pair of reading bifocals. He wears a white parlor style sleeveless shirt and black vest over red pants and black Italian style dress shoes. Wears a silver neck chain which can be seen through the part in his collar. The fur at the end of his snout is grown and trimmed to a small grey goatee, which he tends to stroke when deep in thought. He wears a white apron, while working behind the counter of his store. When making trips to the market or while jogging, only wears a pair of bluejeans.

Personality: He is a warm and hearty ex-soldier, who will always try to cheer people around him up. Believes in the value of hard work and always tries new trades. His laugh is loud and joyful. Tends to forget his strength around those smaller than him. He will usually slap someone on the back for good measure when laughing at a joke, sending them lurching forward. He is learned from his travels, and is hard to coax into anger. Has a reputation as someone to share their problems with. Tends to shy away from long term relationships, especially in Bon Bon given its reputation. He is not shy in the least bit during sexual encounters and uses his strength to obtain difficult sex positions.
Has a knack for mixing unusual flavors into great tasting ice cream, and is working towards making an aphrodisiac ice cream. Absolutely is disturbed by seeing a lady cry, and will always do his best to get her to smile again, even if he doesn't know them. Can be caught at times singing or humming this song from his homeland.

Background: Alexi joined the soviet military at the age of 17, trying to earn money to move his sickly wife and year old cub to a warmer climate. After four years of service, he was discharged, but still diddn't have enough to move. After a harsh winter took the life of his wife and cub, he left the soviet empire and moved to Italy where he began his career as an ice cream maker. Became successful quickly for his unusual advertising methods and out of this world flavors which he is always reinventing. Having built up a small fortune, he was told that he would make a killing in a town called Bon Bon. Moved there at the age of 26 and started selling gelato there.
He makes near daily deliveries to Delights Castle to deliver tubs of ice cream and other candies, while at the same time to chat with the girls. Always seems to have a special candy or flavor for the girls to try out. Does not gamble, but loves to make wagers based on physical aptitude, such as lifting large ice blocks or racing around the town. Is always caught jogging around and in the country side every day after he drains the water from the ice shed. He runs in his bare paws and pants only during these times, and is usually only seen this way by other early birds and shop owners.

Took a two year trip to Switzerland, Germany, and Belgium to learn chocolate chef secrets to bring back to Bon Bon. During this time, he met a young girl in Germany who joined him on his quest to learn different secrets of sweets. Having finished, he decided to bring the young tree frog back to Bon Bon with him, claiming the young girl as his own.

Sexuality: Alexi is a romantic at heart, but is uninhibited in his encounters. Likes to use his size and strength to bend and maneuver his partner in different difficult positions. He loves to turn his lover into a "sundae" before gobbling them up. Is a bit more than above average in his endowment, much matching his giant stature. Prefers women, but is also curious about men mostly thanks to Lucille Brown, who her and her courtesans tend to frequent his shop.

Residence: He operates a gelato bar called "Alexi's Sweets" in the business district of town. His studio apartment is located above the shop, where he has several drawings, littered parchment and papers strewn about his desk, as well as a large bed with earthen cotton sheets. He has an architects desk, with a large candle lamp with a polished tin reflector attached to it to serve as a light at night. Around the room, he has manuscripts, drawings, and various other reference material stacked of various stories hes written and different recipes and flavors he wishes to try.
In the rear of the shop behind the bar, he has an ice shed, which he keeps the giant ice blocks to make his gelato. He drains the melted water every morning before sunrise and replaces the large blocks of ice when necessary by carrying them on his back from the market instead of using a cart. He has become friends with the local courtesans including, Lucille Brown, who works on the street he lives, and lets them operate out of his shop, paying them a small palm to help him advertise. Frequents the local orphanage at the end of the week to give away his left overs that he cannot store. His shop, being highly elegant and yet carrying a feeling of home comfort, is richly decorated. Alexi has been in operation for a long time, but even a child could tell that Alexi could not have created and live such a rich life on the earnings of just his Gelato Bar. It is rumored that he is an underground wrestling champion, although he would never publicly admit it to anyone.

Monika Schynfroche

Race: Amazon Tree Frog

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Language: Fluent English and German with Germanic Accent

Orientation: Lesbian

Occupation: Candy Maker Assistant

Physical Description: Monika stands five feet, six inches, purple skinned with pink patches. Her hair is raven black and bobcut short, never growing past her jaw. She has deep crystal blue eyes and long lashes. Her usual shop dress is an oversized brown overalls with a large white shirt underneath and brown wool cap, all with brown work boots. Although the industrial boyish look makes her look big, the features of her face just say that shes a small girl in loose clothing. Her figure is slender, with lean legs and around a small B cup in bust. Her figure out of dress is petite.

Personality: Monika is the definition of energetic tomboyish girl. She still acts like a woman when its expected of her, but always seems to be excited about something. Her smile is infectious as is her giggly laugh and she always has good gossip to talk about. She is somewhat of a butch, but still carries herself as a woman should. Is not disinterested in men, but much prefers women as they respond to her long tong in a much more satisfying way. She is not shy in the least bit, and is always looking to make new friends. She is also adventurous in her cooking like Alexi, but her work with chocolates and cakes can be considered artwork.

Background: Monika Schynfroche was born to an underclass family that worked in factories in Austria before they all moved together to Germany. Although they weren't considered rich, they lived happily and content. Monika was the only girl among seven brothers, and so grew up to be a tomboy. Because of her mothers influence, she retained some sense of being a woman, but always saw women as more attractive than men.
At the age of sixteen, Monika traveled around Europe studying chocolate, as was her passion. She took ideas from her own mothers recipes for family treats and combined them with world class chocolate making to create glorious treats. She wanted to start her own chocolate shop in her hometown of Vilsek, but diddnt have any money to do so. She ran into Alexi during a drinking contest during Oktoberfest, and was the only competitor that was able to match such a large bear drink for drink. The two became close friends quite quickly and traveled together to further their trade.
Monika became fascinated with Alexi's tales of Bon Bon where he owned an Ice Cream Parlor, and the unique culture of the inhabitants. This most appealed to Monika as she kept the fact that she liked women a secret to others, for fear of becoming a social outcast. Alexi offered her a position at his shop and she quickly agreed. At that time, she started and has hence forth named Alexi, "Papa Bear". Touched, Alexi took the girl under his wing as his own.

Sexuality: Is attracted to both sexes, but prefers the company of a woman over that of a mans. She is very sexually active and aggressive, matching with her personality. If she wants someone, they only have to give a small amount of ground to her before she backs them into a bed for the night. Loves eat ladies out, and relishes in what work she can do with her long tongue. She is very sly and creative when seducing her prey, giving glancing looks and suggestive poses, before she snaps them in and gives her all to the encounter.

Residence: Lives in the basement of the Ice Cream Parlor where its humid. She keeps a tidy room and has various knick knacks decorating the walls and surfaces of her room. A very large and very comfortable bed lie on the far wall, never made fully unless she expects company for that night. Has a large pony keg in her room and shelves full of family and self made chocolate candy recipes.

Last edited by Mr Writer on Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:58 pm; edited 9 times in total

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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The Adept
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:25 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Oct 2009
Posts: 4247

Wassup main you might wanna add a little more description of you height and weight becouse most of the guys are easily between 6 to 7 foot tall and 200 plus pounds besides that cool fursona

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Mr Writer
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:28 pm  Reply with quote
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Joined: 26 Nov 2009
Posts: 174

Fixed, and thanks for the welcome Very Happy

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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The Adept
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:33 pm  Reply with quote
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Dude also want to add cool ocupation 5 stars youd fit in perfectly here

A fact of life: After monday and tuesday even the calender says WTF...
Kyle Stingray
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Mr Writer
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:39 pm  Reply with quote
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well after reading the forums, i came accross an icecream thread and it gave me the idea to have Alexi open up Alexi's Sweets. As for the writer aspect, well i tend to mix a bit of my own personality into the characters i create to give them a bit more grounding.

Sadly when i got halfway through this, i diddnt even notice that Daphne Mallow was Bon Bon's celebrity writer.

I'll be looking at the bios closer now when doing fan fictions lol.

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:15 am  Reply with quote
Rank: Mr. Fabulous

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Ill be the first to make the "From Russia with love" crack, then. Razz

Nicely done.

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Maxwell The Tiger
PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:22 am  Reply with quote
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What about "Russian Fist Fighting" - How is he in that. May I see you at the Ring? Cool

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Mr Writer
PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:20 am  Reply with quote
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lol hes fairly decent at fighting hand to hand, although i dont think boxing is his style. hes more of a wrestler. other than that, i think he would love to compete regularly, if only he could get some help at the shop lol

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:27 am  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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Mr Writer wrote:
lol hes fairly decent at fighting hand to hand, although i dont think boxing is his style. hes more of a wrestler. other than that, i think he would love to compete regularly, if only he could get some help at the shop lol
it's not easy to keep fans happy. though so far i don't seem to have hit that problem myself.


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Mr Writer
PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:57 am  Reply with quote
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well not too sure how many ice cream fanatics there are in Bonbon. I was thinking about starting up an open RP about life at the parlor. Wonder how many would bite at that little nugget.

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:43 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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You made quite a descriptive fursona. I like how you chose the gelato maker as an occupation. I'm sure it will do well here.

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Mr Writer
PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:48 pm  Reply with quote
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bump for good measure

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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