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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:50 am  Reply with quote
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There are a lot of characters with really cool names here. Both in the comic and among the members. So I was thinking of a topic for people to tell something about why they picked the name for their fursona or any other characters they have created. Any special meaning to the names? Was it a name you had been using for a character before using it in Bon Bon as well, or did you come up with it when creating your fursona?

I believe that I've seen some explanations in different threads, but I'd like to see what people might bring here into one place. I've actually already given a short explanation for why I picked Constance Mayflower(a looong time ago), but I still wanted to start this topic, and I'll be posting some more a little later.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:07 pm  Reply with quote
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i choose marx simply becuase it sounds cool, and to me is unique... well that and becuase of my profile name, which originated from my DA profile.

and yes, marx is the name of a character i have created (along with many others) in my head but havent gotten around to puting on paper


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:09 pm  Reply with quote
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But what about your fursona's last name? Both parts are interesting to me. Wink

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:18 pm  Reply with quote
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what you mean Emanuel? nothing special really, i had trouble thinking up a name, so i just used the first one that popped into my, thats not very creative of me, maybe i'll redo it at some point, im only in one RP currently and i DID say that my characters triats were subject to change at any time... hmm Curious


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Miss Scorpia
PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:30 pm  Reply with quote
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I believe we all have some animals inside us. When I am mad or angry I think of my self as a tiger. When I swing to music or want to be seductive I wish I was as gracefull as a cat. But must of the time I identify with the cuddly sly fox.

I have choosen the name Scorpia to be my adult artist name. I am born in the sign of the scorpio and wanted to make it sound more female.
Scorpio turns to Scorpia.

My blue vixen is alot like me both in personality and way of acting.
I'm an artist = she's an artist.
I'm very loving and caring = she's very loving and caring.
I have a sad past = she has a sad past.
I can be a dominatrix some times = she can be a dominatrix some times.
And so on...
Therefore I wanted to call her Scorpia. I gave her the last name Fortune to illustrate that she is a woman who has choosen her own destiny after fleeing her country.

All in all... Scorpia is the lovely vixen I feel like inside.

Last edited by Miss Scorpia on Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:35 pm  Reply with quote
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That's really some deep reasong there, Scorpia. I'm glad you shared this. Smile

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:40 pm  Reply with quote
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The first name Evan was from an old high school freand, and the last name Himmel i came up with by modifying my real last name.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:55 pm  Reply with quote
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Henk is my calling name, my full name is Hendrikus Johannes, to my 2 grand fathers.

I like snake, but specially the king cobra, the biggest poison snake in the world and give more venom than other snakes in 1 bite.

I use my nickname for a few years before I became member of the bonbon site.

I'm also a little runners for problems try to avoid them, but when someone needs my help I will give it.

And I like to on top but also to be sub.


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:24 pm  Reply with quote
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Tsavo is named for the region of Africa famous for maneless lions. Seemed like a good name for the character. I'm pretty fascinated by them. I share pretty much the same haircut as my character too. Although I shave my head to get "maneless".

When creating a character for the site I really got into a Heart of Darkness vibe for some reason. That is where the disillusioned solider idea came from. The bar owner idea came from that classic fantasy cliche of the old adventurer retiring, opening a tavern, and hanging his axe above the bar.

Owner of the Lion's Den Pub.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:54 pm  Reply with quote
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I don't really have a name for mine... Crying or Very sad

The alias I'm using/have been using for a few years, "ShadowFox", is actually a blend of my nicknames and personalities, "Shadow" & "Fox".

"Shadow" embodies many of my lone wolf traits. He is dark and cold-hearted. He never shares his true feelings with anyone and locks out anyone who tries to get close to him; a lot of times it's more out of fear of being hurt than anything else. He reacts out of instinct rather than feeling.

"Fox" is the embodiment of my persona that not everyone sees. He's very soft and caring. He still hides his deep feelings but will always try to help in any way he can. He uses past experiences to comfort and consul whoever asks for his aid, emotionally. And he protects those he cares about to his fullest ability. He is very trusting; some even see this as a major weakness.

They both also have a few traits that overlap. They are both very honorable (this is one of their/my strongest morals and get very offended and defensive when it is brought into question) and they always follow through with their word (again honorable). They are both super protective but in a verity of ways. Yes they will both go out of their ways to protect someone they care about or when their honor is brought into the equation. Fox will almost always stick his neck out for someone when the treatment they are receiving is unwarranted, Shadow however is much more reserved on the subject and only intervenes when he is directly involved or to put someone in their rightful place.

There is much more for both of them but I won't get into that now.
They are each part of myself and pending on what mood I'm in, one side (for lack of a better term) may be more prevalent than the other, and the blend of them makes myself/"ShadowFox" as a whole.

I know I wasn't very descriptive and may have just typed a confusing mass of words (sorry) but I don't really know how to word it. Embarassed

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Feingo Ferinton
PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:58 pm  Reply with quote
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Well, I never really realized it, but there are a lot of different elements that lead to Commander Ferinton.

Well, I've always had a thing for wolfs. My dad and I used to raise Alaskan wolf dogs. Despite what's been said, they are actually some of the gentlest, most loving creatures you could know. One of the ones I remember most from growing up was named Ferrin, a rescue case who was brought to us when he was considered a nuisence. He turned out to be one of the gentlest we had known, though he liked to avoid the others be on his own for the most part.

Feingo's a nickname I've had for some time now. DOn't ask me how, I've never really been sure, though I think it has something to do with the wolves. I dunno.

And as for the Commander bit, that came from a great great (can't remember how many greats) grandfather who was a major in the Army during the civil war. And for the drinking bit.... well, maybe that's a bit of myself as well. But I'll never tell. Wink

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:30 pm  Reply with quote
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Well, I suppose my username, which has been used in a myriad of places with and without an underscore, has a very interesting story behind it. Being raised in a very Christian environment from a rather young age, I feel I've been cursed with the "good Samaritan" trait and had mostly became a carpet. As much as I like to do good, I still have a yearning to express my darker desires, which are forever forbidden behind my moral values. Over the internet, however, I finally found a way to express my darker desires, but my "good guy" personality will never go away. So, Shadow of course comes from the darkness, but the twisted aspect actually comes from how as dark as I like to appear, I will always be nice underneath, so it's almost like a twisted perspective.

I passed on a lot of this into Samuel, who I explained gets his name from Sama'el, the Angel of Death. Dunn, however was a name I found looking up last names with meanings I could apply and Dunn was one that was common for a person with dark or black hair.

His personality and backstory are somewhat drawn from my own life. I had always been the one who "was going to be somebody", but it was a label given to me by everyone BUT myself, and I hated it. So, that's probably the source of Samuel's dissent with the Order. I also hate light, it hurts my eyes and I sneeze a lot when first exposed to sunlight. So, from this developed Samuel's odd connection with the moon. He is originally born with silver stripes and black fur due to the lunar eclipse. His stripes turn red when he consumes blood during a blood moon. Later lunar connections may or my not occur. As far as putting the past behind him and starting over, that arises from my broken childhood. A threatening and verbally abusive alcoholic stepfather can really ruin a childhood. So, I had always wanted to start a family and make sure my children got a respectable upbringing. So, Samuel has a darker past he would rather forget and move on in a way that prevents his children from having to fall into a family trend, considering Samuel and his father were both in the Order.
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Ashton Gray
PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:46 pm  Reply with quote
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I chose the name "Gray" because I had already decided to make my fursona a wolf and I knew there was a species called the Gray Wolf and I name many of my characters after colors. It helps me decide what their color scheme will be. I chose the name "Ashton" because ash is gray and I lengthend it to "Ashton" because I thought it sounded better for a nobleman violinist and I did'nt want people thinking I'd named it after the hero of the old Pokemon cartoons.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:56 pm  Reply with quote
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Well, as Labrn said somewhere, and I think I put it in my little story. Mystic came from "Mistake" because our father wanted a son, and first came me, the daughter. My mother changed it to Mystic (closely sounding to mistake without causing any embarrassment) Then came Labrn, who's name I can't recall the background for, but I do remember his favorite thing about our named combined. I'll let him explain it, as he promised to show up tonight before he left for his training.

And, to go with the name and character, I type in purple, as it and red is what I wear mostly. If I ever type in black (like my fur) perhaps I'm not wearing anything at all. Wink *Giggles with a forgiving blush* Sorry Symphony, I couldn't help myself.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:24 pm  Reply with quote
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My avatars first name, Thomas, is just part of my real last name, Thomson. I just put the first 4 letters and just added the a s. As for my last name, Aaron, its actually my real middle name. Nothing really special. When I was trying to come up with a name Thomas Aaron just stuck and thats what I used.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:57 pm  Reply with quote
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I chose Camarilla for a first name simply because it is a fancy sounding name that can be believably shortened to something like Kommy for a nickname. Fuchs is the easy part, being German for Fox. And I couldn't resist the easily misconstrued name in a site of this nature. Razz

Kind of strange I'm the only person here whose name is even a little suggestive...

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:20 pm  Reply with quote
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Not sure if xivk would count as a real name to ya guys...


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:20 pm  Reply with quote
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My avatar's first and last name has one of each reason why I named my character, "Lidia Apricot".

First name -"Lidia" was not my first choice. My character's first name came from my old friend's mother. My friend's mother name is "Linda", so I was thinking, "Oh! that's a pretty name for my character!" I stick to that for a while until I met a client from my work one day, and we introduced ourselves when she said her name is "Lydia." (with the "Y.") On that day, I decided to change my character name from "Linda" to "Lidia." (with the "i". :3)

Last name - To put it simply: "Apricot" came from a fruit beverage can. :3

I was working and my boss told me to set/organize the product, which is the fruit can beverage. Razz
While I was setting/organizing the beverage, I was thinking of a last name for "Lidia", and for some reason, I was looking at the beverage can that has names of fruit flavor on it, so I began thinking and listing which fruit sounds better with "Lidia."






And that's, Ladies and Gentlefurs, was how I came up with the name for my ferret character, "Lidia Apricot." :3

(Great topic, Symphony. ^w^)
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:48 pm  Reply with quote
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To be honest,I thought I had invented my name(because it was one of the few fox-derived names that no one else in furry was using at the time).I later found out through googling that "Foxonian" was actually the name of a sect of the Quaker Religion that had some radical views from what I can tell.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:54 pm  Reply with quote
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My dog (who was a husky) was named James. I thought it would be ironic. For the rest i just split up my last name. pretty easy.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:04 am  Reply with quote
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Well, in my circumstance Ewan just happened to be the name that spontaneously came up when I was designing my character. Names are really hard for me and take me an enormous amount of time, but Ewan simply snapped up mid-creation. I cant see any other name attributed to him, I honestly think it fits exceptionally well.

As for Bushmill, I decided to incorporate my favorite brand of scotch whiskey into my character, considering his occupation and history. I think it fits, I like it.

Ewan Bushmill was the fastest name Ive ever come up with for a character in anything Ive ever done, and I think it is truly the best fitting. Smile

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:16 am  Reply with quote
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I've explained this before, but I don't remember where, so I'll just tell it again... "Johnny Six-Killer" basically is just me messing around with my usual screenname, "JohnnyPsycho" (a name I've been using on message boards and chat sites for years until recently). In fact, I was almost set just to let my character be named "Johnny Psycho" (this time with a space between the names), but didn't think it sounded quite right. I wanted to have a character that reflected my Native American ancestry, so I wanted to convert the last name "Psycho" into something similar, but couldn't think of any names from my own tribe (Potawatomi) that had the same sort of connotation. I eventually settled on the Cherokee family name "Sixkiller", having remembered it from the character Bobby Sixkiller from the TV show Renegade. Other names I was considering were "Bad-Wound" (Souix) and "Mankiller" (Cherokee).

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:51 pm  Reply with quote
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My real name is Assandra, and I have a sister whose name is Camille. So, I combined Camille and Assandra, and got Cassandre.

Coincidentaly, that's also my husband's fiance's name.(If that makes sense)

The last name, La Rue, I got Rue from, 'Murders in the Rue Morge'.
My maiden name, is La Espatain. So, I made it La Rue.
Cassandre's like me in many ways.
She is smart, cunning, snarky(a word I learned in England, that and 'wanker'), short, busty, adorably helpless at times, strange looking, unique, slightly insane, seductive, and a skilled fighter.

For the strange looking part, she has those white markings all over her, and I have these weird birthmarks, that are all black, and they look like cool tatoos, and so I added a few tattoos along my back that look like them, so now I look much more unique and beautiful.

For the fighter bit, I take fencing, self-defense, private sword training, karate, tae kwan do, hapkido, and tai chi. I know tai chi isn't a fighting style, but it helps me fight.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:28 pm  Reply with quote
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It's nice to see so many interesting explanations on how people came up with their fursona names. Very Happy

When I first started thinking of a fursona, Constance wasn't the name on my mind. I believe that I was considering a name startign with an E, but I'm not entirely sure right now. I used Google to look for Victorian era names, as I wanted my fursona to fit in with Vanessa's comic. So when looking through the lists of names I'd found, I stumbled across Constance, which is a name I've always liked. I makes me think of a medieval noblewoman or something like that, and though I think it may sound like a slightly hard name, I still really like it. I thought that it would be good for my fursona, given how I personally tend to think of it as befitting a classy, older woman.

So with that settled, I went loking for a last name for my fursona. I originally wanted a shorter last name, as I thought that might sound better after Constance, but I couldn't quite come up with any ideas. I searched wikipedia for Constance, to see if some other person's name might inspire me, and foudn that there was a woman named Constance who was a passenger on the Mayflower. I really like the soudn of that name. It makes me think of something soft and pleasant, which was fitting for my fursona. I also really liked the potential for some flowers in the design of my fursona, as that was something I had seen Vanessa do with some of her characters.

and then I began thinking about the name in connection with various parts of my fursona's dscription, the ones I had decided upon at that time. And Constance Mayflower was really perfect for my thoughts on personality, appearance, occupation and such, so then it was settled.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:47 pm  Reply with quote
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Cassandre wrote:
My real name is Assandra, and I have a sister whose name is Camille. So, I combined Camille and Assandra, and got Cassandre.

Coincidentaly, that's also my husband's fiance's name.(If that makes sense)

The last name, La Rue, I got Rue from, 'Murders in the Rue Morge'.
My maiden name, is La Espatain. So, I made it La Rue.
Cassandre's like me in many ways.
She is smart, cunning, snarky(a word I learned in England, that and 'wanker'), short, busty, adorably helpless at times, strange looking, unique, slightly insane, seductive, and a skilled fighter.

For the strange looking part, she has those white markings all over her, and I have these weird birthmarks, that are all black, and they look like cool tatoos, and so I added a few tattoos along my back that look like them, so now I look much more unique and beautiful.

For the fighter bit, I take fencing, self-defense, private sword training, karate, tae kwan do, hapkido, and tai chi. I know tai chi isn't a fighting style, but it helps me fight.

Actually Tai Chi is a fighting style but many people don't learn the fighting applications.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:51 pm  Reply with quote
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huh. Who'd a thunk it.
I still like the word wanker. Razz

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:17 pm  Reply with quote
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I think I've covered mine before, I apologize if I'm repeating myself.

Captain Michael Merriwether got his first name from my RL name, although I never use the long form myself, it seemed he would be a bit more formal. Merriwether came after a fair bit of searching for common last names of the era, till I found one I liked.

His trade itself came from a similar thing - hours of research into common trades, and discussion with a friend of mine who knew a bit more than I did. (Learning about the trade itself took many more hours! Wink )

For my common OOC handle, Tursi, that comes from a now-distant obsession with Dolphins, and the latin name for the Bottlenose Dolphin, which is Tursiops Truncatus. When I switched my 'fursona' from a dolphin to a lion, I decided to keep my name. Wink

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:17 pm  Reply with quote
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(double post means I definately repeated myself, hehe)

Last edited by Tursi on Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:54 pm  Reply with quote
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Ooer double post.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:01 am  Reply with quote
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I don't really remember why I named my fursona Chiisuna. I have already so many original characters done so it is already hard to get names for new ones.

The name is derived from Kisuna (which comes from the japanese word Kisu which means Kiss), Chiisuna is actually how you speak that name. It was just the first thing that popped out of my head when I made her.

Actually I have another fursona but she isn't still complete since hamster fursonas are not easy to be done. Her name is just the name of my hamster in japanese. That means she is named Keba which is the word for fluff.
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