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PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 11:12 am  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 30 Aug 2008
Posts: 1521

[moderator edit: WARNING this post contains mature content involving an Assassin and violence. Do not read further if you may be offended.]

The circumstances of my birth were unusual to say the least. It was the night of the full moon, and it just so happened to be the night of the lunar eclipse. It was when the moon was encased in shadow that I came into the world. As the light returned, the pool of crimson revealed itself, my mother was dying. Nurses came to attend my mother as the midwife wrapped me tight in blankets and looked at me for the first time. She gasped when she saw me, and I would later understand why. A tiger born with fur as black as the night, with stripes of silver.

The doorbell rang, and the family’s butler answered. At the door were a man and woman. The man was a Raccoon, who had white fur instead of the traditional grey who only went by The Mask. His partner was a lady skunk, who had silver stripes instead of the usual white. She also went by an unusual name, Fatale.

“We are here for the child.” The Mask stated simply.

“One minute, sir.” The butler replied as he went to fetch me. When he came to the room and informed the midwife, she was outraged.

“Are you mad?” The midwife said angrily.

The butler whispered something in her ear and she handed me off to the butler, who then carried me down to the couple at the entranceway.

“Was there much fuss?” The mask asked.

“There wasn’t much, sir. However, it would be enough for concern to the Order.” The butler replied.

“Very well, cleanse the estate and meet me at the catacombs in Rome. Fatale, the child is yours for now. You are to make no contact with us, whatsoever. Upon the child’s fifth birthday, we will send for him.”

That night, a terrible fire broke out at the mansion, several people died, including the midwife.

For those of you who may be lost, I will now take a moment to clarify a few things. You see, I mentioned my father’s death being related to his work. His occupation was as an assassin. The assignment he was given didn’t go so well. Apparently, someone had tipped off the target that someone was attempting to kill him and, well that’s really all the more you need to know. However, my father did not work alone. He was a member of an order of assassins known as the Order of Shadows. The order had very strict rules; one of the cardinal rules of the order was to maintain secrecy. The butler had to divulge certain information to the midwife, necessary to his task. However, she would not be allowed to know so much and be allowed to live. It is also why the members of the Order use cover names. Of course, I would learn more of the order as I grew older.

The first years with Fatale were gentle ones. I was raised as her own, later learning as to why. She had been with child, but the baby was born with a fatal condition and died only days after being born. It was a somewhat awkward bond we shared, but one I will always cherish. She will always remain my mother in my mind.

As promised, a carriage arrived for me on my fifth birthday. I was to begin training now. I would spend one or two years at a time with some of the various members of the order. It was believed that while the older members could only really become proficient at one or two primary skills, a child could master them all.

My first teacher would be one I would visit many times in my years. He was known as the Aristocrat. He was a polished old tabby, his reserve and demeanor bespoke of elegance and sophistication. It was his vast knowledge that served him well. His role in the order was more of an orchestrator than of an actual assassin. He was very influential, and so was able to recommend people for certain positions.

I know what you’re thinking: the new help in the house of a man murdered is the prime suspect. That’s why he would never get one of the assassins the positions. The distraction would always lead people to forget about the actual assassin, if they even ever saw them.

I loved his manor, but was most fond of the library. When I first learned to read, I loved looking through the books. In later visits, my selections would grow more advanced. I also learned the arts of calligraphy and forgery. At a young age, I was better able to learn to write in several different styles.

Of course, formal education was only part of my training, which would primarily serve me when I established myself in my life outside of the order. My second teacher was The Whisper, a black fox who specialized in stealth.

A year spent in silence sounds rather maddening, but silence is not to mean we didn’t communicate. At first, we shared messages as notes, which later developed into lessons in sign language and signals. The first few weeks were hard. There was nothing like being awakened by a hearty caning. Why I would be caned in the middle of the night, you may wonder. It was for snoring. One of the keys to avoid detection is to never make a sound. I also learned much of camouflage, cover, and shadows.

After so much time spent in quiet, getting back to any task involving sound was quite difficult. From The Whisper, I moved on to my lessons from Gloves, a kangaroo who specialized in hand to hand combat. As time passed, I learned much and my masters seemed to change too quickly. That was why I was so glad to always return to the Aristocrat. Until at last, The Mask came for me.

“Well, you certainly have grown well. I’m sure it has been hard for you to work so long without a name.”

“Considering the names of my mentors are all covers, then I think being without one is not so bad, sir.” I replied.

“Indeed. Well, perhaps you would be interested in earning yours. We have an assignment, I’m giving it you. I’m sure you know what the first assignment means.”

“Yes, sir. The first assignment is not only a test of loyalty, but also a rite of passage. Successful completion earns the member a proper place within the order, as well as the assignment of their alias. Failure is to forfeit the member’s life.” I replied.

“Well spoken. Do you accept your orders?”

“Yes, sir.” I replied.

To be continued...
As this is my first written work so far, feedback is appreciated.

Last edited by Shadow_Twisted on Wed May 27, 2009 6:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 12:28 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Jan 2008
Posts: 4122

What will happen with the person who fails?Shocked

If you want you can use my avatar for your story? Twisted Evil

What kind of sexcuality likes your avatar? oops:

What kind of kinks does you avatar likes?: Embarassed

Is this the first forum of RPs to you? Question

First part of the story is good, keep it up! Very Happy


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PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 12:42 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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Well, in a group of assassins where secrecy is highly valued, any failure leaves possible loose ends, death is a pretty good way of keeping these loose ends from leading back to the Order.

As far as the sexual aspects of my avatar go, those questions will come to be answered later in the story. Have to have something that keeps the reader interested.

As far as Forum RPs go, this is not my first. I was involved with an X-Men forum rp that went on for awhile, I started a separate forum exclusively for it, which included an adult section, as I had a few friends that had difficulty keeping it OUT of the storyline. I miss those days...
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PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 2:05 pm  Reply with quote
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dude... awesome story Shocked


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PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:41 pm  Reply with quote
Rank: Mr. Fabulous

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Hey, man. Welcome to the forums!

Your story is very well written, I hope you involve yourself in some of the RPs around the place.

See you about.

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Who the hell is Ewan Bushmill?
A reference:
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PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 7:15 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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Part 2

[moderator edit: specific age has been removed.]

At an early age, I knew everything I could possibly need to know to get to a target, eliminate them, and exit without notice. But all my training for the kill never involved an actual life to be taken. Still, any qualms I may have had about taking a life were outweighed by the desire to save my own. From all I learned, I realized that an assassin works as both a hunter and the hunted, and most of my mentors seemed to have developed a keen sense of paranoia.

As I sat back in the carriage, I studied The Mask, who had chosen to accompany me for the journey to London. At present, The Mask was the head of the Order. He was responsible for all training, recruitments, assignments, executions, and cover-ups. It seemed like a lot, but he was able to delegate his responsibilities, having usually one or two of the members assigned to handle each of the main tasks. I did not envy his position as I studied his face. I spent awhile trying to figure out what was going through his mind. I could tell how he earned his name, it was difficult to tell his thoughts from his facial expressions.

“I’ll save you some time, it’s envy.” The mask finally replied without looking at me.

“Pardon me, sir?” I asked, seeking clarification.

“I can tell that you do not envy me, but I most certainly envy you.” He explained. “You see, in my position, I’m too crucial to the Order’s function to have any time to play. I miss the moment of the kill, the look of astonishment, worry, and horror. For some, it is something to turn the stomach, but for me it was like a fine work of art. I wish I could join you, just to get some play at the old sport.” I could finally see the longing in his eyes as he faced me.

“Then why don’t you join me, sir?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t want to on this one, my boy. It’s a bad business when we get old, it make us more likely to develop a sense of conscious. The target for this one is your old family butler. It seems he wishes to atone for his transgressions by betraying the Order. We need him silenced, even if most people would believe his stories to be the product of senility.”

“Where could I find him, sir? London is an awful big place to try to find someone.”

“You’ll find him at your house, of course. It’s been rebuilt, and the title is in your name.”

“In my name, sir?” I asked.

“Well who else would it belong to?” The Mask asked.

“It isn’t that, sir. I’m just curious to know what my name is.”

“After the deed is done, we’ll talk. We cannot have you going on assignment giving your real name, now can we?”

“I suppose not, sir.”

I had spent much of my time travelling across Europe, and had never really developed a sense of having a home. I suppose there were times when I looked at The Aristocrat’s house as a home, but it wasn’t really the same. The rest of the ride was pretty quiet. I had to plan my methods carefully. Killing the old butler would be an easy enough task; the real challenge would be in getting rid of the body.

Too soon, it seemed that we had arrived. The Mask departed first, leaving behind a case with a note. As the carriage progressed towards the house, I read the note:

My dear boy,
Your father used these tools to bring death to many, may they taste blood once more as you continue his legacy.

I opened the case and gasped in awe. My father’s weapon of choice had been the talwar, the sword of his ancestors. My grandfather was born in India, but had moved to London as a child. When my father was recruited to the Order, he honored his father’s past with a weapon from the homeland. I had heard much of my father as I grew up from the various masters.

“Sir, we have arrived.” The coachmen said as the carriage stopped. Time for the moment of truth. I exited the carriage and stood at the door of a rather lavish looking estate. As I looked up in awe, I had to allow myself to enter quickly and get to work. I quickly opened the door, odd that it was unlocked, and made my way inside.

“Someone’s here, what do we do?” A voice whispered from upstairs.

“That old man shouldn’t be home yet. How are we going to get out?” Another voice whispered.

Whoever these trespassers were, they hadn’t heard any of my movements save for the door. They never heard me reach the door.

“Are you sure you heard the door?” The voice was clearly male.

“I thought I did.” The other voice sounded like a girl. “Could you go check?”

Great, and I’m standing right outside the door, I thought to myself. I quickly made my way down the hall and found an open room to hide in. I looked around and saw that the room was a mess, I now understood that there were thieves in my house. I could have killed them, but my mind had other plans for them.

I heard the door open briefly before closing again. “You must be hearing things, now where were we?”

To be continued...

Last edited by Shadow_Twisted on Wed May 27, 2009 6:38 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 5:39 am  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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What will happen now? You are making me nervous for the next part of your story. Very Happy


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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:07 am  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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Part 3

I had to take a moment to refine my course of action. My new plan would be to kill the butler and use the thieves as a cover while I slipped out unnoticed. There were a few concerns I had with pulling it off. One of which was the unknown time to expect the old butler to return. The other, which was dependent on the first, was the unknown length of time the thieves would be about.

In an effort to help ensure that all would go according to plan, I tempted the fates and made for some reconnaissance. I tried to get a feel for the floor plan and noticed two options. There was a large crawl space in the ceiling of the room I was currently in. I assume it was designed for hiding or escaping in certain situations. The other option was to go out on the balcony that seemed to wrap around the upper floor. I had better chance at being caught in the open and opted to make my way into the crawl space. Once in the narrow passage, I knew it was designed for hiding and monitoring. It had a sturdy support between the ceiling of the main floors and the crevice’s floor, leaving out the worries of collapse. In each room was a small peephole that allowed the rooms to be monitored.

I felt more confident in my surveillance operation as I made my way closer to where I thought the thieves had holed up. At last I found them, but I wasn’t expecting the sight before me.

I was correct in that there were two, one a male and the other female. The male was a young looking Rottweiler, while the girl was a dazzling red squirrel. They both were clad in black, but they were engaged in an unusual activity. The girl’s head was bobbing up and down over the man’s lap. I was familiar with the anatomy of both sexes, and so knew somewhat of what was going on. It was more of the concept that I had found confusing. I knew little of sex, aside from the basics. There were a few books pertaining to the matter hidden within the Aristocrat’s library, but I had never been able to get one open before it was snatched away.

“This is not a subject you need to learn, young one. At least not yet.” He would always say as he took the books to his private study.
I heard slurping and smacking sounds as the action beneath me continued. I adjusted myself for a better view as curiosity overcame me. From my new angle, I was better able to see the canine’s member as it pushed in and out of the young girl’s mouth. I could occasionally see her tongue dart past her lips to caress the underside of her companion’s penis. Sometimes she would pull it out of her mouth and slowly lick her way up that soft underbelly to the swollen tip and then let her lips envelope the flesh once more as they slid slowly down the length of his shaft.

“Damn, baby, you’ll get me to cum too soon if you keep up like that.” The man said between grunts as I saw a look of determination cross his face, straining to delay his climax.

The squirrel let the tool fall from her mouth so she could speak. “Well, how about you give me a treat for being a good girl?” She said playfully.

“Haven’t you already pilfered your share of ‘treats’?” The dog replied.

This guy was as dumb as a ton of bricks. I knew less about sex than him, but I could still figure out the innuendo.

The next move from the young lady was one I was surprised to see. She stood up, smiled, then planted her heel firmly in the dog’s testicles. I knew the pain from an accident during my early balance training. As the dog yelped, the girl stormed off out of the room. He instinctively grabbed to console his wounded pride as he passed out from sheer pain.

Well, I at least had my scapegoat in place, even when he came to; I doubted he’d get far. Now, when would that damned butler be back…

As I pondered, I scanned the room of the unconscious hooligan and saw a dagger on a nightstand next to the bed. I had expected to use my father’s sword, but it would be more convincing evidence if the thief was familiar with the weapon.

I had all but forgotten about the girl until I heard gentle sobs coming from one of the nearby rooms. I suppose I had expected that she would have completely left the manor. Knowing that the canine was thoroughly incapacitated, I chose to check on the girl.

She was in a bathroom, crying. “I can’t find a decent guy anymore. Sometimes I wish I was dead.”

I felt sorry for her. What was I to do, though? To be with her would mean I would have to kill her, can’t have loose ends. Still, if she wanted to die…

I noticed that the crawl space had small panels that opened up to each room below. I had to get to the dagger for my plans, what if she was to see me on my way, or hear me while I was returning to the crawl space? For such a simple job, this was quickly becoming a pain in the ass.

EDIT: As I have the last post still, guess I'll just make this one get longer.

Part 4

I took a deep breath and opened the panel. In a quick flash, I was in the room, my hand held over the girl’s mouth to keep her from screaming. What was I doing?

“Shhh, I’m here to help.” I told her as I slowly withdrew my paw.

“You are?” The girl asked nervously.

“Yes, now what can I do for you, my lady.” I said with a bow

“You could kill my boyfriend.” She said it as more of a joke.

“No, he’s going to be taken away for murder.” I explained.

“But he hasn’t killed anyone.” The girl said, confused.

“Nor will he, but no one will suspect him innocent.” I said.

“You’re going to frame him? But for whose murder?” Fear filled her voice.

“The old man.” I answered, relieving her fears. “Enough of that for now, what desires do you have within you?” I asked, licking my lips suggestively.

A blush graced her cheek as she considered the offer. She slipped down her leggings and panties and a sweet aroma filled my nostrils.

“As you wish, my lady.” I said as I pushed her down to sit on the edge of the toilet seat. I knelt before her, breathing in the perfume of her arousal that drew my muzzle closer to her flower. Guided by sheer instinct, I lapped at the damp petals, drinking in the first morsels of her essence. Slowly I caressed and stimulated the outer lips before I first tasted her soft bud. My tongue tickled and teased at her clit as I heard the first soft moans escape her luscious lips. I continued my stimulations, knowing full well she would need the pleasure for what was to come. At last, she climaxed and I drank all that I could of her nectar. Then, she slowly slipped to sleep.

How much time had passed? Better hurry, just in case. I quickly leapt back into the crawl space, heading back to the room with the unconscious scoundrel. I opened the panel and stole the dagger and returned to the crawl space once more. So far, so good. I returned to the bathroom where my darling lady began to stir.

“Are you an angel?” She asked sleepily.

“Far from it.” I said, plunging the dagger into her breast. “Sleep in peace, my lady.”

I returned to the crawl space, once more. My heart was heavy with remorse, but I knew it had to be done. She had no longer been part of my plan and if it was her boyfriend that I was condemning for my crimes, then having silenced the only person that would speak for him was necessary. Now, how much longer before that old codger gets back?

To be continued…

Last edited by Shadow_Twisted on Wed May 27, 2009 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 2:14 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 30 Aug 2008
Posts: 1521

(I do apologize for the multiple post, but I almost feel it is necessary for a long story such as this one.)

Part 5

How to play this out for the detectives? Perhaps it would be time to awaken the scapegoat. I decided to make a commotion in the bathroom with the unfortunate victim of happenstance, until I heard the sounds of the awakening brute down the hall. I quickly retreated back into the crawlspace and watched my orchestrated chaos unfold.

“Bloody Hell!” The burglar exclaimed at the sight of his dead partner. “Sorry, love, but it serves you right. My gems are still feeling quite tarnished after that blow.” He continued as he moved to start dragging her out.

Perfect, but I thought I heard something from below. I moved as quickly and silently as possible. Since my pawn was in the hall, he wouldn’t see me sneak out from the balcony. I moved to an empty room away from the hall and quickly made my way out to the balcony before leaping down to the ground. As I turned the corner, I saw that the butler had found his way home. From a nearby window, I was able to see the progress of the hapless slob as he reached the top of the stairs. The butler was just opening the door as I reached him. I reached over his shoulder and pulled the dagger into his heart and kicked him into the house as I slinked away.


“A robbery turns to double murder; I must say that it was quite the work, Wraith.” The Mask said as we rode away in the carriage.

“So now I am to be the Wraith, sir?” I asked.

“You don’t sound so honored. You should know as well as anyone the significance of the wraith in the lore.” The Mask went on.

“The wraith is the master of death and keeper of souls. Not exactly a title I feel comfortable with holding, sir.” I replied, thinking back to those dreamy eyes of that poor girl.

“We are not heroes, Wraith.” The Mask said.

“Pardon me, sir?” I asked.

“You wanted to save her, didn’t you? In a sense, you did. But we are not heroes, we are murderers, sinners, and demons. We are charming company, elegant people, and deadly assassins. Welcome to the Order.”


From my assignment, I returned to the Aristocrat’s manor. My mind weighed heavy with what I had done, as well as what I had become.

“It’s never easy , accepting what we do.” The Aristocrat told me. He was a kind-hearted man, and in my growing maturity I came to understand his stance with the Order. His manor was isolated in the French countryside. On the balcony, where we were seated, there was a lovely view and a gentle breeze.

“We are all a Faust to some degree, aren’t we?” I asked him.

“We could all learn something from the tale of Faust, but we never know our real choices until after the fact. The Order may seem like an organization of evil, but when you’re not at the heart of affairs, you don’t get all the facts.” The Aristocrat explained.

“Do you believe we do things for good?” I asked.

“I believe we do what we need to survive. We so easily forget our life bond to the Order that we often blame it for making us into what we have always been. When your back is to the wall, would you lie down and die or fight for your life?”

“Fight for my life.” I said.

“I couldn’t tell you the exact process used to screen the contracts, but I know that we are not instructed to kill just anyone. There is a reason behind each kill, whether it is known to us or not.” The Aristocrat explained further.

“I suppose you have a point, my friend. Still, any justification still seems insufficient.” I said at last.

“That’s why it’s never easy.” The Aristocrat said as we adjourned ourselves for the evening.

To be Continued…

Last edited by Shadow_Twisted on Wed May 27, 2009 6:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 2:17 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Jan 2008
Posts: 4122

Keep it up Keep it up! This is a good story. When do you post you avatar description? Very Happy


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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 2:21 pm  Reply with quote
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henkcobra wrote:
Keep it up Keep it up! This is a good story. When do you post you avatar description? Very Happy

i believe, henk, that we are supposed to get the avatar description through the story itself.


marx's four step guide to being popular in the fandom

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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 2:33 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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yes, but I mean when he put a description up for vannessa to make a avatar for him.


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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 3:03 pm  Reply with quote
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henkcobra wrote:
yes, but I mean when he put a description up for vannessa to make a avatar for him.

Ah, i see. my sincerest apoligies for not picking up on that, mr cobra


marx's four step guide to being popular in the fandom

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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 3:09 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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If you are going by the joined date from here, then I should inform you that I was only a member for about 3 or 4 months of that time frame. I don't recall if the loyalty needs to be a consecutive 6 months or if it is an overall sum of 6 months. In either way, I haven't met that 6 month requirement. So, I decided to start becoming active here for when that time has come. Be it either in a month or several months, depending on which type of 6 month requirement it is.

I do realize some minor details have been omitted, some of which I shall disclose now.

I will go by his current known name:

Wraith, as mentioned previously is a tiger with black fur and silver stripes. Omitted details include his eye color, which is blood red, and his underbelly and facial fur, which is actually a dark gray.

A few new features will develop in the upcoming section, so stay tuned.
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PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:33 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

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Posts: 1521

((Again, I apologize for a double post))

Part 6 (The Bloodbath)

The years seemed to roll by, all the while I gradually felt less and less remorse for my deeds, becoming more and more like the reaper I had been labeled. My assignments grew fewer as my skill increased.

At 20, I was the designated man for the impossible tasks. I always tried to limit the body count to only the mark, but had been known to kill the occasional witness or bodyguard. For the most part, I never seemed to exist. It was a fact that the Order enjoyed thoroughly.

While my life as Wraith was shrinking, Samuel Dunn started to establish himself in the world. I returned to the manor in London, working under the pretense of having been learning abroad. The Order’s wealth was untold, and each assignment I completed earned me an impressive payday. I furnished the manor according to my style and worked up an impressive wardrobe.

As much as I had, it would never compare to what I needed: a companion. As much as I longed to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, I denied myself of it as a penance for my sins. It was the only thing I could do to keep me loyal to the Order.

I had awakened one morning to the sound of the bell at the door. Then there was a knock upon the door, followed by another ring of the bell. I had an assignment.

I got up and made my way to the door to retrieve the details. With my position in the Order, my contact had become limited to purely written correspondence. The personal appearances were seldom requested, only for the new members. It was a rare occurrence, but one I enjoyed. During the brief for the first assignment, The Mask would always end with my introduction.

“Should you fail,” The Mask would pause for my entrance, “this is the man that will kill you. Any questions?”

As I read the instructions, I grew worried, but I looked forward to the assignment. I was used to assassination efforts, but this one was extreme. A self-proclaimed prince had the beginnings of an unsettling affair in the dying Austro-Hungarian Empire. He had managed to recruit a small military unit and had isolated himself in the Look-Out Tower of Liberty. He had a good vantage point of any attempted intrusion. The Order was contacted to eliminate him and his militia before things got out of hand.

I went up to my bedroom and into my closet to retrieve my hunting gear. I had taken a preference to a tight soft leather outfit that consisted of three main pieces. Two are rather self explanatory, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt that hugged the skin, but allowed full range of motion and were relatively quiet. The third was my armor. I had it custom made with any metal being encased in leather, so as to prevent glare or reflection. It was a simple small breast and back plate with two shoulder pads. I put on my belt which included the sheath for my father’s talwar, as well as a small dagger on the opposite side. Next came one of my favorite items, my black tabi boots, imported from Japan, they were great for stealth. Finally, I grabbed my cloak, which came with a hood to help mask my face. The Mask had often told me that my red eyes seemed to glow from the shadow, scaring our recruits.

Now that I was dressed, it was time to get to my equipment. I headed for the crawl space, which I now used to keep my equipment hidden from any company. My grappling hook was first to go into the bag. Then there were my two thigh belts that held about 30 throwing knives total, which also went into the bag, as I didn’t have room to put them on in the crawl space. Next were some coils of rope, pliers, lock picks, and some extra throwing knives. There were some other miscellaneous items I took as an extra precaution.

As I left the crawl space, the bell rang, signaling the arrival of the carriage. I left the manor and began my journey.


When I finally arrived, it was under cover of night. The tower, of course, was guarded. Luckily enough, there was some tree cover I used as my initial scouting location. There was some light that helped reveal the silhouettes of the guards that were watching for signs of trouble. There must not have been much for them to do, and they didn’t seem overly intent on focusing on their duty. As they started talking to one another, I was sure I could make it to the door unnoticed. Once at the door, I realized I was going to have a challenge ahead of me. There were voices from inside, ones that couldn’t have been coming from the guards I had observed in the look-out. I looked around the door and noticed a small roof above it. I took a moment to grab onto it and test if it would hold my weight, which it could. I pulled myself up onto it. Carefully, I reached for the door and lightly scratched at the wood.

“What was that?” was whispered followed by “Go check.”

As the door opened, I glanced over a corner edge and saw the guard inside as the other one stepped out to look. As he turned to go back inside, I repositioned myself at the edge of the small roof, unsheathing my sword and one throwing knife. I lowered myself down, impaling one guard with my sword as I threw the knife at the other, hitting him in the throat. As I tried to pull myself back up, I slipped and landed on the guard I had skewered. I took a moment to regain my breath, as the impact had knocked the wind out of me. As I got up, I noticed that it was a blood moon. A fine night for a blood bath, I thought. As I entered the tower, I saw a group of sleeping soldiers. I moved over to the man with the bleeding throat, he was struggling to stay alive. I grabbed the knife handle and sliced the blade free, the blood sprayed my face and as I turned away, my mouth had opened in reflex and an arterial spurt landed on my tongue.

It was like a spark of electricity coursing through me and I went into a frenzied rampage. I bit down on the wound and drank the warm life fluid out of him. My eyes glowed bright from the bloodlust and I let out a guttural roar. From that moment on, my body acted on its own accord and all I could do is watch the scenes unfold before me. I was slicing at people as they started to get up, throwing knives into men as they clambered down the stairs and all around going to town with a tomahawk. As the body count grew, my memory of the situation faded. When I awoke in the morning, I was soaked in blood and had been sleeping on a pile of corpses.

In the days that followed, I had noticed some changes. My silver stripes seemed to have been permanently stained blood red. It was likely that having spent at least a week between the massacre and my opportunity for a bath had allowed the blood to dry into my fur. The other change that seemed to have occurred without a logical explanation was in my eyes. The whites of my eyes had become black, leaving me to wonder as to how. All I knew was that it had to have been related to the frenzied onslaught at the look-out tower.
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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 1:25 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 30 Aug 2008
Posts: 1521

Final Chapter: Arrival in Bon Bon

I returned to London to a note under my door. I read it and almost cried. Three words had never stung so much. Aristocrat is dead. He was an aging man, but why would the Order bother contacting me about it if it was that simple.

The bell rang and even though I was in no mood for company, I opened it. The Mask had chosen to pay me a visit, to explain things in person.

“I take it you already read the note. I know how much you looked up to him, my boy.” The Mask explained.

“I assume it’s a circumstance of concern if you’ve decided to come, sir.” I said.

“The loss of a failure is nothing compared to the loss of the loyal. As it stands, however, there seems to be foul play involved.” He paused a moment and studied me. “You’ve changed. Why the red?”

“I’m not sure I fully know the answer to that, sir.” I said. “However, there are the more pressing matters, sir.”

“Right, as I said, there are signs of foul play. What’s worse is that there was a message left behind, written in the old man’s blood. It simply said: We know.” The Mask explained. “The Order has seen it as a threat. All the members are being kept on high alert, but it is likely that whatever force it is that has moved against us, it is not one we could stop.”

“With all due respect, sir, I don’t see the point you are trying to make.” I said.

“The Order has always been a foundation of secrets. Among its many secrets, you are one of the best kept. If any of us will survive the hunt, it will be you. I am here to give you your final orders.” The Mask finally explained.

“Sir, I_”

“Our time together is at an end, Samuel. Never again are you to use the name Wraith. In two days, carriages will arrive for your belongings, you are moving. You will be moving to a town where secrets are easily kept.” The Mask explained.

“What will I do there, sir? All I know is the art of death.” I protested.

“You will unfortunately have to decide that for yourself. Bon Bon has much to offer and it is a great place to start a new life. The pay for your last assignment will be brought with the carriages. I will send word to you if it is ever safe for you to return.” He said as he turned and made to leave.

“Goodbye, sir.” I said one last time.

“Goodbye, Samuel.”

And so it was that I left my brethren to their fate. The Order was the only family I had known, and now it was gone. I was back to being what I had always been, an orphan. It was in London that I was to leave my memories of who I had been. I wondered, then, who I would become in Bon Bon.

As the carriages moved on into the mountains, I felt an oddly calming sensation wash over me. The calm wouldn't last as a courier stopped us. It had only been a week since my departure, so I knew the news wouldn't be good.

Dear Samuel,

If you are reading this, then I have died as the last of the Order of Shadows. Enjoy your new life in Bon Bon, for there is no longer one for you here.

The Mask

I pocketed the letter, knowing it would be burned shortly after my arrival in Bon Bon. As we reached the town, the sights shocked me. Having denied myself the pleasures of the flesh, the vast amount of sexual activity was unsettling. I pondered whether I could truly overcome my past and enjoy the company of a woman, perhaps even lose my virginity. One thing was certain, my life would never be the same...
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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 2:27 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Jan 2008
Posts: 4122

May we continue with your arrival in bonbon as a RP or do you want it to start a new topic?


My favorite RP please join and dominate me :

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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 2:31 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 30 Aug 2008
Posts: 1521

I am still in the debating process of that myself, but I'm leaning towards extending this one into the RP, as it wouldn't require near as much explanation.
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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 3:19 pm  Reply with quote
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 24 Apr 2009
Posts: 998

hmm, thats an RP i might consider taking part in. i think something like this would be good for my first RP thread i've ever participated in Cool


marx's four step guide to being popular in the fandom

1 draw boobs
2 make comics
3 cuase drama
4 repeat
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PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 3:30 pm  Reply with quote
Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 30 Aug 2008
Posts: 1521

EDIT: On second thought, the new thread might offer more appeal. So I will go for that approach.
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