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JusticeBabes Forum -> Discussions  ~  Character ideas
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 4:14 pm  Reply with quote
Rank: Casual

Joined: 09 Jan 2004
Posts: 16

First off, I love your website. Secondly, I've got some character suggestions., as follows:
1) How about an Aquaman-style aquatic babe? I'm thinking either a bikini-clad heroine with sound-based powers, (you could call her 'Siren'), or maybe alternately, a villainess empowered by 'ancient Atlantean magic'. You could call her 'Sea Witch'. In either event, the character would be able to breathe under water, swim faster than an ordinary person, etc. Maybe you could do both of these characters, and have them be arch enamies?
2) A Japanese martial artist style babe. You could call her Jaquie, (named after martial arts movie star Jackie Chan, of course), and play her adventures as sort of humorous mis-adventures. Her cosyume and methods could be patterned after a character from just about any Jackie Chan movie. Maybe in her secret identity, she could even be an action movie star,
like her namesake?
3) A native American babe called 'Spreading Eagle'. She could have big, bird-like wings, a trained eagle animal companion, and her costume could be patterned after traditional Native American clothing styles. She could present herself as a heroine as a sort of Native American equivelant to Captain America.
4) A cheetah-like 'cat woman', sort of like Tigra from Marvel comics. You could call her 'the Cat Nipper' or maybe 'Cheeter', (because she always cheats/fights dirty during combat.
5) A character like the Wasp from Marvel Comics. You could call her 'Stinger', and give her the ability to shoot little needle-like 'stingers' coated with a poison that makes the target immediately become highly... err.. libidinous. Sort of a super-potent aphrodisiac venom. And yes, she'd be able to shrink, and fly with insect-like wings. Since she loves the finer things in life, perhaps she could be some sort of high-class burglar? She'd use her small size to sneak into places, shrink the loot down until it fits into her tiny pockets, then fly away. Her greatest weakness is that she's also a raging nymphomaniac, and that's why she uses an aphrodisiac as a weapon.
6) How about giving Not Diminished a junior, (18 year old), sidekick? You could call her 'Patriette'. You know, as in 'patriot', only female. She'd be like Bucky to Not Diminished's Captain America.
By the way, I was just wondering what you guys thought of my idea to have a game sort of like Ultra Vixen, wherein we members would play the part of a villain, and put the heroine of our choice into sexy 'death traps'. Remember? The villain, (the player), would have a captured heroine at his/her mercy, and try to overpower her will with repeated orgasms, until she becomes the villain's willing love slave.
Well, that's all that I can think of for right now. If I come up with other ideas, I'll post 'em. Keep up the great work!
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:27 am  Reply with quote
Rank: Casual

Joined: 09 Jan 2004
Posts: 14

You have some very good ideas ........
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