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PleasureBonBon Forum -> Role Play  ~  Alexi's Sweets (Pt: 2 Open RP)
Mr Writer
PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:01 pm  Reply with quote
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((First off i want to tell you all how sorry i am for dissapearing off the face of the earth like that. With the end of the year drawing to a close, work has near trippled and staff was cut (im really starting to regret taking thos classes in web design) so with the advent of me wearing several hats, i havent been able to make it back to the forums. my only saving grace is that i have come down with the piggy flu and so i am on quarters and reduced work hours for a while. so without further adue.))


Same rules apply as the previous thread, anyone can enter and leave at any given time. Refer to my fursona sig for a description of the ice cream parlour.

After a suprising visit from a fem fatal and even more suprising outcome, Alexi is hard at work in the parlour again. Everything is set as it should, a quarter before nine o'clock in the morning. He is jotting down a few notes on his outdoor tables, taking the expirence from Loretta to heart for his new publication. He hails a few of the local courtisans, and they sit down with him, disgussing the business plan for the day. Alexi wanted to concentrate on his new idea, but cant leave the shop unattended for long.

After a few moments go by, he saw the clouds start rolling in and realized that his customer impact would be low today. The courtisans also werry of the rain, started leaving for thier respective overhangings.

Feeling a need to clear his head, Alexi puts his notes away and locks the shop early, after disrobing to nothing but his pants, and desided to go for another jog in the rain. He made sure to put up his sign,
and started his way down the now grey-lit sky, feeling its lazy raindrops resist the urge to fall to the earth. He felt that a run around the town would clear his thoughts of the memorable night spent with his new model.

((He will be running around the entire town, past near every venue including Delights Castle. Its not raining yet, but a few drops are felt here and there. Feel free to join in.))

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:20 pm  Reply with quote
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( do you mind if I join you on your jog through town?)

Dallas is wandering the streets of Bon Bon as he often does, his mind is in a constant state of turmoil. On one side he is exploding with joy over his beautiful fiancé, but on the other hand he is depressed by the recent untimely death of a close family member. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a the ice cream parlor , he walks up to the door but the sign on the door says that it will be closed for an hour. He notices Alexi " Closing up early today? " Dallas asks with a saddened smile on his face. Dallas just wants clear his head, even if only for a short time.

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Maxwell The Tiger
PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:54 am  Reply with quote
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Max was as walking around town to keep to his scheme that he and Josh had planned. With all the information of the sub levels they thought they could easily...Then Max spotted Dallas and Alexi across the street.

Max: (Jots down last of *What you don't need to know yet*) Hey!! Guys, what are you up to?!

His voice was loud and obnoxious enough to avoid suspicion

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Mr Writer
PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:58 am  Reply with quote
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Alexi turned the key tot he door then placed it around his neck, when he noticed Dallas stop by. Alexi boomed his hearty laugh and brought his hand square down the on the jaguars back.

"Bah! It only temporary while I go out to clear the head. One hour of running no matter the weather always helps take you mind off troubles."

Alexi eyed Dallas for a moment, him having a somber look upon his face.

"Running is best had with partner." he said suggestivly, bringing an invitation to him under the conversation.

Before he could garner his answer, the two were interrupted by the squeak of a fimilar voice.

"Ah Max! We are thinking of a morning jog through the town and into countryside!"

Alexi shook Dallas's shoulders gently, while speaking with a gentleness in his voice that is rarely heard from him.

"Come my friend. What ever troubles you, you will find peace when you put your body to test."

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:46 pm  Reply with quote
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Dallas raises his head and gives Alexi a sincere smile and says

" Some exercise would help me put things in perspective. If its not too much trouble I would like to join you."

Dallas takes off his jacket and slings it over his left shoulder. "I'm going to follow your lead" Dallas says with a up beat tone.

Dallas turns to Max "Are you going to join our workout session as well ?" ^_^

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Maxwell The Tiger
PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:52 pm  Reply with quote
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Max overheard Workout and sprang to attention

Max: Hell Yeah!! Alexi You notice I'm getting buffer? these workout techniques are paying off. By the way Dallas, Hows your training going, And the Fiancé? Also... unrelated... Either of You wouldn't know anything about Heists would you?

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Mr Writer
PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:52 pm  Reply with quote
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Alexi smiled as he took the coats and other non essencial clothing from his running partners and locked them in the store with his clothing. He Perked one ear up, and spun it backwards when he heard the word 'heist'.

The rain was now comming down in broken drops, not enough for a drizzle, but as if a single angel were crying upon the land. He looked at his two running partners smiled.

"We have wasted enough time! Come! Talk along the way."

Alexi started off at a slow pace, but realized too soon that his long and natural stride was a bit fast paced. He was wondering if he should slow down before he burned out his partners too fast. He made sure to run side by side with Dallas and Max.

"Now comrad, what is this about a heist?"

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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Maxwell The Tiger
PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:58 pm  Reply with quote
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As they started jogging Max noticed they were going at a relatively slow speed, He figured Alexi thought they were pansies.

Max: (Looks to both of them) Well, Me and my, Friends, are gonna make a small withdrawal from the bank and I was wondering, seeing as your both nice guys and friends... If you'd like a cut

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:30 pm  Reply with quote
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Dallas is bringing up the rear , running at the slowest pace. Dallas has a lot on his mind. He is so distracted by his own thoughts that he nearly misses a head on collision with a tree, barely dodging it by turning his shouldr. He is quickly sobered up by this near miss and happens to catch the very end of Maxwell's purposal.
"knock over a bank?" Dallas thinks to himself.

Dallas doesn't need the money but he owes Max a few favors.

"I'm not sure if I want to talk about that here" ((OOC: I'll hit up your heist ooc thread ^_^))

The cold broken rain is starting to pool on his face giving the illusion of tears rolling down his face.

((OOC: Writer, do you want to talk about the heist ? because I'll talk about anything, I don't have any real topic in mind.
Max, I'm going to join you Heist thread right now Very Happy ))

((OOC: are still sick Writer? I hope you start to feel better soon^_^))

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Mr Writer
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:14 am  Reply with quote
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((Sadly yes T-T. no one here to take care of me when i turn into a blubbering baby. yes ladies, all men are babies when they get sick. and sure we can talk about the heist or what ever is on your mind.))

Alexi, scoffed. He remembered the days when he was younger in Moscow. He turned the street and started picking up a brisk pace. He diddnt want to get too comfortable running at thier speed and was still trying to gage how long they would last. He diddtn think that they knew exactly how long they were running and wondered if he should tell them.

After turning it over in his mind, he desided not to say anything, only wait it out and see if they would figure it out in the end.

"In my motherland, one does not pair heist and withdraw in same sentance."

Alexi snickered, slightly curious as to what this beast had planned.

"I trust this withdraw is not from same place I make my deposits?"

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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Maxwell The Tiger
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:45 am  Reply with quote
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Max looked as Dallas showed interest in his plan while Max started to run a little faster trying to get his adrenaline higher

Max:See you at the Gym to discuss then Dallas

He Looked a little amused about Alexi's reaction and response

Max: Well, I'd use a more illegal phrasing if It was more legit,so naturally I can't say that its a "Bank Robbery" (Winks) since it's not very... Kosher.

And you know what? I'll leave your safe closed in the Vault Alexi, haha

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:16 am  Reply with quote
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Dallas realizes that hes falling behind, he breaks into a short sprint to catch up to Alexi & Max

Dallas can't think of anything to say, he has already decided to join Max ; The only thing left was to hear what Alexi's thoughts on the subject were.

((OOC: I can't think of anything of interest to add, sorry ^_^ ))

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Mr Writer
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 1:59 pm  Reply with quote
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Alexi laughed as he rounded the large corner around the first major turn on the outskirts of town. He was almost comfortable in the speed of the run, and he hung his toung out the side of his mouth, feeling the exileration of the wind blowing into his face. the rain diddnt even bother him, but there was nothing better than feeling the world rush past him.

"Well, then i guess you wont need another training session in gym bwahaha! As long as my earnings are safe, i cant say i have problem with it."

Alex turned the corner and picked up the pace to where he usualy ran, feeling warmed up from the kilometer they ran already.

"So Dallas, i heard from one of my courtisan comrads, you are engaged?"

((Dont worry im not gonna let you drop out of the run just yet!))

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:39 pm  Reply with quote
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Dallas's face turns red when Alex brings up his engagement with Loretta. He is so distracted and surprised that he nearly runs into a passing horse carriage.

"that was close"

His heart is racing , but the cold rain on his face quickly soothes and clams him down.

Dallas redirects his attention back to Alex

"So you heard about that , What else have you heard?"

Dallas is curious to hear what gossip had been spreading ever since he purposed to Loretta.

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Maxwell The Tiger
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:14 pm  Reply with quote
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Max Watches as Dallas Struggles to keep the pace and to look out for things that come towards him. Comical was the word

Max: (Turns around while running to face Dallas) Hehehe, And That Elizabeth is bound to make it more exciting eh Dallas?

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:36 pm  Reply with quote
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Shocked ..............

Dallas falls flat on his face

........... X_X .............. nosebleed

Max's comment tripped Dallas up enough to cause him to crash....

"I still haven't met Elizabeth"

"I don't know if "exciting" is the right word to describe my situation"

Dallas gets up off the ground and wipes the blood from his nose

"I still need to prove my self to Elizabeth some how, but I don't know what to do"

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Maxwell The Tiger
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:46 pm  Reply with quote
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Max: Heh, You OK? Well I've only ever been in love with one girl at a time so I can't help... You do know she's not exactly... Male or female right? Not that there's anything wrong with that...

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:56 pm  Reply with quote
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".........Max doesn't know me very well if he thinks I would be bothered by something like that" ^_^

Dallas smiles up at Max

" Yes, I know that Elizabeth is a special person; and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact I find her to be quiet intriguing, despite the fact that I have never met her in person" ^_^

Dallas starts runnng again.

"I'm at a loss to figure out what I should do thou"

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Mr Writer
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:49 pm  Reply with quote
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Alexi grinned as they entered the long streach of dirt road outside of town, half laughing at Max for falling earlier, and half laughing at how the two would react to the rather large hill that ran along the outside of town.

"Well, the courtisans talk when business is light. I overheard your name and they told me about engagement. It seems that in a town like this, news travels fast."

Alexi tried to lengthin his stride as they approched the bottom of the hill, keeping his back stright as to keep his form while running. It was a challanging hill to say the least but he knew that if they made it up there with him, he would show them a specticle they would soon not forget. He started panting harder as he pumped his iron cast legs against the dirt road,propelling him up at a suprising rate.

"Come on now Max! Comrad Nichols would make you run this ten times over if you fall out now." He taunted with a smile.

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:17 pm  Reply with quote
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Moments later.....

( Dallas had sprinted past Alex & Max out of boredom)

Dallas is stand at the top of the hill watching Alex and Max, race each other up the hill toward him. Dallas shouts down to Alex.

"I'm surprised that word has traveled this fast"

Dallas scratches the back of his head trying to hide his pride on the subject.

"The rumors are infact correct, I am engaged to a gorgeous and dazzling pink feline." ((=^_^=))

((OOC: I still can't compete with your level of writing T_T...... I try my best Damnit !!! ^_^ ))

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Mr Writer
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:40 pm  Reply with quote
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Alexi took the top of the hill triumphently, taking the moment to wait for the poor beast that was training him, dragging his toung on the ground as it were in exhaustion. Alexi folded his hands together and forced them in the air, streaching out his well defined abs.

"Good comrads! Now, there is something just a bit further i want to show you."

Alexi slapped Max on his back, nearly sending him toppling over. He walked towards a well hidden dirt path in the bushes to a grassy and level lands edge. The cliff was high over the town, but hel one of the most wonderful overviews of the town he had yet to see. Even the blue mansion in the distance could be seen. The sight was truly breathtaking, casting the wonderful town of Bonbon in a new light of pure wonder.

"When i have much to think about. I come here and draw. When i am overwhelmed in worries, i come here to write. I have ran around Bonbon for years, and this is the most beautiful and secluded landing to view from."

Alexi sighed deeply, taking in the sight of the rain gently falling over Bonbon. It was a most wonderful sight, and Alexi was right. this spot was hidden from the path and only the most adventurous would have ever found such a place.

((lol writing is my passion, but keep trying new things and you will get better in your writings. i use the idea that im painting a picture with words instead of paint, but doing something no picture could ever accomplish, i want the reader to be emersed so that they can close thier eyes and not just see, but feel, smell, and expirence what i want them to.))

Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)

And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask?
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 12:18 am  Reply with quote
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Dallas doesn't look out over the city, instead he closes his eyes and tunes out the world around him until every faint noise was drowned out and silenced completely. He lets his mind go absolutely blank, in his meditative state Dallas erases all thought and all emotion which intern heightens his scene of touch.

Dallas stands perfectly still and lets the falling rain wash over him. Rivers of rain water slowly flows down his arms coursing along his veins in his arms and bleeding off the tips of his fingers in constant and fluid steams. Dallas's plights seemed to be cleansed and washed away with the gentle pouring rain.

" I like it when it rains. The gentle sounds, the aroma of the water in the air, and the feel of tiny droplets descending from the sky and breaking on my head."

Dallas opens his eyes and a blinding flood of white light surges forth as his eyes adjust and the world comes back into focus.

(( I've been working on improving my work, but after a while I just start repeating myself))

Last edited by Texas_Wildlife on Fri Dec 18, 2009 6:00 am; edited 2 times in total

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Maxwell The Tiger
PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:59 am  Reply with quote
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(Dam I went to bed, It was Dallas who fell not me BTW)

Max Ran 'til he reached the peak with the other two, insulted that Alexi was getting tired but he didn't care, He Just joined in gazing at the City for the view was definitely something.

Max: This Town Doesn't get any nicer, *Checks a stopwatch* Eh, that climb would probably substitute my lifting today... But I doubt Nic Won't make me do it anyway (Notices at last it has been raining) Damn, I hate rain

(Not a writer lol)

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